AG GPF Instructions to DDO
AG GPF Pay bill preparation instructions to DDO
Instructions to DDO
Do’s and Don’ts in the preparation of GPF Schedules by DDOs
- Amounts of subscription should be rounded to whole rupees.
- The account numbers should be arranged in serial order.
- The guide letters (i.e. GA, PH, Medl etc.) should invariably be suffixed to the Account Numbers.
- Reasons for discontinuance of subscriptions should be given (i.e. official “Proceeded on leave”, “Transferred to”_______Office-District, “Quit service, died or discontinued”.)
- Against new names, it should be written that new name is a new subscriber or “New Subscriber” transferred from _______Office-District etc.
- The total of the schedule should be struck and written both in figures and words.
- Month of recovery should be clearly indicated.
- Schedules should be prepared neatly and legibly and separately for class IV employees.
- Correct Classification should be recorded on schedules, challans and debit vouchers.
- Subscriptions, refunds towards TAs should be separately indicated. Refunds should be supported by installments and the amount of loan outstanding.
- Schedules and Vouchers should be arranged in order as per the list.
- Original authorizations should be enclosed to Debit Vouchers of Final Payment Cases.
- The challans should contain the details of the amounts remitted thereon on overleaf instead of separate sheet enclosed to the challans.
- 11 digit code should be recorded in schedules.
- Uniform format of schedule for all recoveries of GPF (Viz. subscription, DA etc.) should be adopted.
- TA / PFW sanction orders should invariably attached to the debit vouchers.
- Debit vouchers should be entered as per LOP.
- No debit voucher should be missing.
- There should not be any overwriting on the debit vouchers.
- Payments on Booster scheme should be made along with GPF Payments.
- Classification of Booster Scheme payments should be done correctly.
- Ensure that points indicated in the check list, to be kept in mind by DDOs while forwarding GPF Final Withdrawal applications, are compiled with.
- Page-wise totals where necessary should be worked out
- In case of challans, please mention the GPF account number and name of the subscriber in all copies.
- There should be no overwritings.
- Misclassification of the Credits / Debits of Class IV employees should not be done.