Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) :: GPF SMS System
AG GPF Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) GPF SMS System Information
Interactive Voice Response System
1. Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS)
Enquiries on GPF matters can also be made by calling in 040-23231212
2. Grievance Redressal Cell
To facilitate enquiries regarding GPF in the Office premises, a Grievance redressal cell is constituted. The GDC representative assists the visitor in the following areas:
1. Providing information regarding balances, missing credits/ debits in respect of GPF Account of the visitor.:
2. Position of FW application.:
3.Posting of missing credits on furnishing certified particulars of remittance.:
4.Any correction to be incorporated in the database like name , DOB, DOJ etc., provided such information is supported by valid documents:
5. Any other related matter:
6.The representative can also be contacted on 9492233447.:
3. Email facility :
4. Fax : 040-23231937
New SMS facility
Plans are afoot to send Short Message Service (SMS) to subscribers whose mobile numbers are registered with PAG. Particulars of subscription, withdrawals, on monthly basis would be intimated. GPF subscribers are requested to furnish their mobile numbers through the screen provided in the web site.