New DA G.O.Ms.No. 297 @47.936%
New Dearness Allowance G.O.Ms.No. 297 @47.936% Dated:14.11.2012
Government hereby order the revision of Dearness Allowance (DA) sanctioned in the
G.O. 19th read above to the State Government employees in the Andhra Pradesh Revised Pay
Scales 2010 from 41.944% of the basic pay to 47.936% of basic pay from 1st July 2012.
The Dearness Allowance sanctioned in the above para shall also be payable to:
i)The employees of Zilla Parishad, Mandal Parishad, Gram Panchayats,
Municipalities, Municipal Corporations, Agricultural Market Committees and Zilla
Grandhalaya Samasthas, Work Charged Establishment, who are drawing pay in a
regular scale of pay in the Revised Pay Scales, 2010 and to the full time contingent
employees whose remuneration has been revised from Rs.3850/- to Rs.6700/- per
month vide G.O.Ms.No.171, Finance (P.C.III) Department, dated 13.05.2010.
ii)Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff of Aided Institutions including Aided
Polytechnics who are drawing pay in a regular scale of pay in the Revised Pay
Scales, 2010.
iii) Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff of Universitie
s including the Acharya N.G.
Ranga Agricultural University, the Jawaharlal Nehru
Technological University who
are drawing pay in a regular scale of pay in the Re
vised Pay Scales, 2010.
The Dearness Allowance sanctioned in the a
bove para shall also be payable to:
- The employees of Zilla Parishad, Mandal Parishad
, Gram Panchayats,
Municipalities, Municipal Corporations, Agricultura
l Market Committees and
Zilla Grandhalaya Samsthas and Work Charged Establi
shment who are drawing
pay in a regular scale of pay in the Revised Pay Sc
ales, 2005.
- Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff of Aided Instit
utions including Aided
Polytechnics who are drawing pay in a regular scale
of pay in the Revised Pay
Scales, 2005.
Government hereby order the revision of Dearness Allowance rate sanctioned in the
G.O. 22nd read above to the State Government employees in the Andhra Pradesh Revised Pay
Scales 2005 from 122.46% of the basic pay to 133.764% of the basic pay with effect from
1st July 2012 in the Revised Pay Scales of 2005.
Government hereby order the revision of Dearness Allowance rate sanctioned in the
G.O. 19th read above to the State Government employees in the Andhra Pradesh Revised Pay
Scales, 1999 from136.606% of the basic pay to 146.422% of the basic pay with effect from
1st July,2012 in the Revised Pay Scales of 1999.
The Drawing Officer shall prefer the bill on the P
ay & Accounts Officer, Hyderabad,
or the Pay & Accounts Officer/ the Assistant Pay &
Accounts Officer of the Andhra Pradesh
Works Accounts Service or the Treasury Officer, as
the case may be, for the amount of arrears
to be adjusted to the General ProvidentFund Account in the case of an employee who has ope
ned a General Provident Fund Account.
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