Go 91 Completion of Disciplinary Cases in Stipulated Time Frame

Go.91 Time Schedule Followed for Disciplinary Cases Against Employees

The Govt. of AP has ordered to expedite resolve disciplinary cases against the Govt. Employees. Stipulated time schedule has given to expedite the disciplinary cases at various levels. Go.91 Dt:12/09/2022 consolidates instructions on expedite the process of enquiry on disciplinary cases of Govt. Employees. The complete Go.91 is as follows.

Go91 Completion of Disciplinary Cases in Stipulated Time Frame
Go91 Completion of Disciplinary Cases in Stipulated Time Frame

Inquiry Should Complete within 6 months

The government has issued a directive requiring all disciplinary authorities and vigilance officers to always remember the charged officer’s retirement date when processing disciplinary cases and to complete the disciplinary procedure on time. The AP government mandates that the investigation launched against a government employee be concluded in all straightforward situations within three months, either by departmental officers or a commissioner of inquiries. In difficult situations, it must be ensured that the investigation is finished in five to six months. Every disciplinary case’s progress on the inquiries ordered must be reviewed by the Secretaries to Government, who then notify the Chief Secretary to Government of any cases that are still waiting after the allotted time has passed. The Time Schedule for concluding Disciplinary Cases has been made public by the government.

Considerable Time Consumed in Dealing with the Disciplinary Cases

It is noticed that considerable time is consumed in processing the files relating to the disciplinary cases at various levels. Therefore, it is felt necessary to ensure prompt action is taken in dealing with the disciplinary cases at all levels of administration by following due procedure to avoid delay.

No Time Delay in Framing of Charges

There should not be undue delay between the actual occurrence of offense/irregularity and framing of charges. The preliminary investigation/ preliminary enquiry should be conducted quickly and if the outcome after examination of preliminary enquiry report reveals serious lapses/irregularities, then charges may be framed without further delay.

Obtaining of written statement of defense from the charged person and verifying it for its satisfactorily or otherwise, of course, with reference to the records, is a must. It should be attended by a senior officer and not by the lower rank officers. If the Written Statements of Defense are perused carefully with reference to records, it will give a clear picture as to whether the charges can be proceeded with further or not and also whether there is enough documentary support to prove the charges.

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The Time Frame to be followed by Inquiring Authorities and Disciplinary authorities

(a) Fixing the date of hearing inspection of listed documents, submission of the list of defense documents and the nomination of a defense assistant (if not already nominated). Within two weeks from the date of appointment of the Inquiring Authority
(b) Inspection of documents or submission of list of defense witnesses/ defence documents or examination of the relevancy of documents or witnesses, procuring the additional documents and submission of the certificates, confirming inspection of the additional documents by accused officer or defense assistant. Two weeks
(c) Issue of summons to the witnesses, fixing the date of regular hearing and arrangements for participation of the witnesses in the regular hearing. Two weeks
(d) Regular hearing on day to day basis. Two weeks
(e) Submission of written briefs by the Presenting Officer and submission of written briefs by Accused Officer/Defense Assistant to Inquiring Authority. Two weeks
(f) Submission of the Inquiry Report by the Inquiring Authority. Two weeks
(g) Examination of the inquiry report by the disciplinary authority in consultation with APVC where such consultation is necessary. One week
(h) The charged official submits his written representation or submission to the disciplinary authority. Within fifteen days
(i) Consultation with APVCwhere such consultation is necessary Two weeks
(j) Consultation with APPSC where such consultation is necessary Two weeks
(k) Passing final order in a disciplinary case by the disciplinary authority. Two weeks

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