Go 43 NTR Bharosa Pension Scheme Old, Infirm, Widows

NTR Bhrosa Pension Scheme Enhancing Existing Pension to Old, Infirm, Widows

GO Ms No 43: AP Govt issued Go.43 regarding enhancing existing pensions for the old, Infirm, Widows, and Persons with disabilities to secure a dignified life. The complete details regarding GO.43 Dt:13/06/2024, the enhancement of Social Security Pensions(SSP) to the old and infirm, widows, and persons with disability etc., to secure a dignified life is as follows.

NTR Bharosa Pension Scheme Old, Widows, Infirm, Disable Persons
NTR Bharosa Pension Scheme Old, Widows, Infirm, Disable Persons

Sub: Rural Development Department – Social Security Pensions (SSP) – Enhancement of the existing pension amount for different categories of pensioners and restoring the name of the scheme as “NTR Bharosa Pension Scheme”– Orders – Issued.

Ameliorate the Hardships of the Poor and Vulnerable Sections of Society

AP Government is committed to the Welfare and development of all segments of the Society. Enhancement of pension amount is a major welfare measure to ameliorate the hardships of the poor and vulnerable sections of the society, particularly the old and infirm, widows, and persons with disability etc., to secure a dignified life.

  1. Enhancement of existing pension amount from Rs. 3,000/- month to Rs.4,000/- month for OAP, Widow, Weavers, Toddy Toppers, Fishermen, Single Women, Traditional Cobblers, Transgender, ART(PLHIV), Dappu Artists and pensions to Artists.
  2. Enhancement of disabled persons pension from Rs. 3,000/- to Rs.6,000/- to all persons with disability and multi deformity Leprosy persons.
  3. Enhancement of pension to fully disabled persons from Rs. 5,000/- to Rs.15,000/-.
  4. Enhancement of pension amount from Rs. 5,000/- to Rs.10,000/- for persons with Chronic diseases viz., Bilateral Elephantiasis-Grade 4, Kidney, liver and heart transplant, CKDU not on Dialysis CKD Serum Creatinine of >5 mg, CKDU Not on Dialysis CKD estimated GFR <15 ml, CKDU Not on
    Dialysis CKD Small contracted kidney.
  5. The enhanced pensions mentioned at (a) shall be payable from 1st April, 2024 disbursed from 1st July, 2024 along with 3 months arrears. Thus the amount to be disbursed under this category will be Rs.7000 in the month of July, 2024. Thereafter Rs.4000/- month shall be disbursed every month.
  6. In respect of (b), (c) & (d) mentioned above, the enhanced pension amount shall be disbursed from 1st July, 2024.
  7. The name of the Pension scheme shall be restored to “NTR Bharosa Pension Scheme”.

Enhancement of Pension to Different Categories

The enhancement in different categories of pensions is represented in a tabular form as shown below.

S.  No   Category   Present Rate of Pension (Rs.)   Enhanced pension Rate
1 Old Age Pension 3000 4000
2 Widow 3000 4000
3 Weavers 3000 4000
4 Toddy Tappers 3000 4000
5 Fishermen 3000 4000
6 Single Women 3000 4000
7 Traditional Cobblers 3000 4000
8 Transgender 3000 4000
9 ART(PLHIV) 3000 4000
10 Dappu Artists 3000 4000
11 Pensions to artists 3000 4000
12 Disabled 3000 6000
13 Multideformity leprosy 3000 6000
14 Paralysis confining the
person to wheel chair or bed
5000 15000
15 Severe muscular dystrophy cases and accident victims 5000 15000
16 Bilateral Elephantiasis-Grade 4 5000 10000
17 Kidney, liver and heart transplant 5000 10000
18 CKDU Not on Dialysis CKD Serum creatinine of >5mg 5000 10000
19 CKDU Not on Dialysis CKD Estimated GFR <15 ml 5000 10000
20 CKDU Not on Dialysis CKD Small contracted kidney 5000 10000
21 CKDU on Dialysis Private 10000     No Change
22 CKDU on dialysis GOVT 10000
23 Sickle Cell disease 10000
24 Thalassemia 10000
25 Severe Haemophilia (<2% of factor 8 or 9) 10000
26 Sainik welfare pensions 5000
27 Abhayahastam 500
28 Amaravathi Landless Poor 5000

The Chief Executive Officer, Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP) and the Commissioner, PR & RD Department shall take further necessary action in the matter accordingly.

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