GO 334 Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS)
Preparing the budget, release of funds, expenditure, salaries
The AP Government Finance (SMPC.II) Department has issued GO.Ms.No.334
Dt: 13.12.2013 on Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS) which is useful to public finance management and providing dynamic
and seamless interface with stake holders. It facilitate a realtime resource management. It content from CFMS is very useful,
while preparing the budget, release of funds , expenditure, processing of bills submitted by DDOs.
For the benefit the of the State Government employees of AP, The Human Resources Management System
(HRMS) is also included in the CFMS Project . The HRMS component
, CFMS automate all processes relating to the employees like assessment of vacancies, recruitment
authorization and electronic registration of all new entrants to public service. This system also take concentration on preparation of panels for promotion, pay fixations, revisions of Pay
Scales, maintenance of Service Registers (E-Service Registers), generation of Pay Rolls and timely
payment of retirement benefits, sanction of leave, timely release of increments.
This CFMS automate system will also helpful to implement cashless treatment on health cards. So, the government has also
decided to collect the employees date of state Govt.AP with the help of Web-based application established by the Finance
Department Portal. The web application also extract details of grant-in-aid employees, adhoc personnel, honorary workers,
work-charged staff, contingent employees, contract personnel those hired on outsourcing basis through contractors.
Keeping in view of above , the AP Govt has decided to get information from DDOs with the help of web-based form which
is maintained by finance department. The url of the web portal is https://fdp.cgg.gov.in with the user name treasury DDOCODE and password is ‘dataentry’.
The individual employees also take of this matter and take care of while fill the datasheet provided by DDO . The DDO is responsible
for validating the information and take responsible to upload the information in the portal.
The DDO should take care of data entry on or before of 5th January 2014. DDO shall supply data entry forms to all employees. Those who fail to submit their data in time, their salary will be stppped until their submission of the details.
Download the complete GO.Ms.No.334 Click here
Instructions to the Drawing and Disbursing Officers
1. The DDOs have to login to the website “https://fdp.cgg.gov.in” by using
their existing log-in ID (DDO code) issued by the Director of Treasuries and
Accounts (DTA) using the default password “dataentry”.
2. After the first login the DDO has to change the password and set a new
password. The system has been designed to provide for change of password
by the DDOs. They may remember the password and should not disclose to
anyone to maintain integrity in dataentry. The DDOs will be held responsible
for any errors in dataentry if any passwords are misused or the data is entered
without the knowledge of the DDOs.
3. After setting the new password, the DDO has to first enter the details of his
own office and the details of the subordinate offices if any and also the details
of the next higher office to which the unit office in which the DDO works will
report. He has to complete this within 3 working days, in any case not later
than 24.12.2013.
4. After finishing the entry of the above data, the DDO has to go through the
user manual available on the website for a better understanding of all the fields
of different screens intended to capture the data of different categories of
5. He should download all the forms available on the website and take printouts
in sufficient numbers and distribute copies to all the employees with
instructions to submit the filled in forms within three working days. The
employees may also be instructed to submit the following documents in digital
form along with the filled in application:
(i) Copy of ICAO-compliant photograph of the employee and of each
beneficiary for issue of health cards.
(ii) Copy of Aadhar Card or Aadhar Card enrolment receipt for each
(iii) For beneficiaries who are below five years if Aadhar Cards or Aadhar
Card enrolment receipts are not available, birth certificate issued by the
appropriate authority may be furnished.
(iv) In case any family member or dependent suffers any disability, the
disability certificate issued by the competent authority has to be
(v) If (ii), (iii) and (iv) documents above are not immediately available,
remaining data may be entered without awaiting the documents. In such
cases, employee be instructed to submit them before January 31, 2014.
6. The DDO has to verify the details furnished by the employee with the entries
available in the Service Register of the employee and authenticate the data to
be uploaded. He should countersign each form submitted by the employee
before the commencement of the dataentry.
7. After completion of the dataentry the DDO has to take a printout through the
application and countersign it duly verifying with the forms submitted by the
individuals. These copies may be given to the individual for confirmation. If
any discrepancy is pointed out by the individual after due verification with the
records necessary corrections may be made any time before the data is finally
submitted to the Finance Department. After the data is finally confirmed by
the individual his signature may be obtained on the printout. The DDO may
counter sign and send a copy of this to the Treasury Officer/PAO along with
the pay bill.
8. The DDO has to prepare a list of all employees under different categories and
ensure that relevant forms are supplied to the employees under
acknowledgement and ensure that the data of all employees is uploaded. For
this purpose he has to prepare a checklist containing the names, the dates on
which forms were given, the dates on which forms were returned, the date of
countersignature, the date of dataentry, the date of countersignature of the
printout after completion of the dataentry of each employee and the date on
which copy of the countersigned forms submitted by the employee and
countersigned hard copies of the data entered are sent to the Treasury Officer
/ PAO.
9. The following helpline numbers were set up for the benefit of the DDOs/
Treasury Officers/ Pay and Accounts Officers/ Employees:
(1) 9573530440 (2) 9963615558 (3) 8374024024 (4) 9989334646
(5) 8008044242 (6) 9000007649 (7) 9951574888 (8) 9810271557
(9) 9010203514 (10) 9010004430.
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