Mid Day Meal Scheme 2025 Andhra Pradesh
Mid Day Meal Scheme Complete Information AP
About MDM Scheme
The Mid Day Meal Scheme is a world famous programme of the Indian Government .It helps poor pupils from rural and urban and resolves issues of lack of nutrition , food security and access to education on a pan nation scale. With the help this programme free lunch on school working days for children in Primary and Upper Primary Classes in Government, Government Aided, Local Body i.e supported under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan(SSA) . The main objective of the scheme is to provide hot cooked meal to children of primary and upper primary classes. The scheme improves nutritional status of children, encouraging poor children and minimize school dropouts and to attend school regularly .Which helps greatly in increasing the enrollment, retention and attendance rates. And it is increase the standards of underweight children. According to the sources “ it is the world’s largest school feeding programme maintained by Govt.of India.
GO Ms No:52, Dated:28/8/2013 Cooking Cost Enhancement Click to view
Midday Meal Information in Telugu
This Mid Day Meal Scheme introduced by Government of India . The expenditure shared between State and Central Govt. The central government share is 75% and remaining state government. The cooking cost, infrastructure development, payment of honorarium shared by central and state. The central government provides free food grains to the states.
Special Features:
- Cooking and serving of mid-day meal is done by self help groups like DWCRA in AP .
- As part of public private partnership, Naandi Foundation has been engaged to serve mid-day meal to cover two lakh children in twin cities of Hyderabad and Secundrabad and some parts of Vishakhapatnam.
- Eggs are provided in mid-day meal once in a week.
- Government of India launched the Scheme in January, 2003 for the children
studying in Primary Schools (Classes I to V)
- Extended to the children studying in Upper Primary Schools (Classes VI to
VIII) in October, 2008
- Extended to the children studying in High Schools (Classes IX & X) also in
October, 2008 with 100% state funds
- Further extended to the children studying in Special Schools under NCLP
from the academic year of 2010-11
MDM Menu
The MDM Scheme menu is flexible, with cooked rice, vegetables and dal, sambar
being generally the main menu, with egg twice a week and banana to students who
do not eat eggs.
SI No | Items | Primary | Upper Primary |
1 | Food Grains | 100 gms | 150 gms |
2 | Pulses | 20 gms | 30 gms |
3 | Vegetables | 50 gms | 75 gms |
4 | Oil & Fat | 5 gms | 7.5 gms |
5 | Eggs/Banana | Twice a week | Twice a week |
Day | Menu |
Monday | Sambar |
Tuesday | Vegetables |
Wednesday | Dal and vegetables |
Thursday | Sambar |
Friday | Vegetables |
Saturday | Dal and vegetables |
Egg/banana | Twice a week |
Head Master
1)Certifies attendance of students. 2)Supervises quality of food 3)Ensures Hygienic conditions
1. Inculcate good habits 2.Hygiene of students 3. Taste the Food before serving
1.Supervision of Cooking 2. Observation of cleanliness and nutritional values. 3. Food norms / menu implementation.
Targets for inspecting officials
Instructions were issued to all the RJDSEs and DEOs in the State to inspect
the schools as follows:
RJDSE - 5% in each category per month
acronym title="District Educational Officer"> DEO - 10% in each category per month
Dy.EO/MEO - 30% in each category per month
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