Download TS SCERT 3rd Class Text Books PDF Telugu, Hindi, English, Math
TS SCERT 3rd Class Textbooks 2023: TS SCERT 3rd Class Textbooks 2023 download medium wise all subjects from here. The 3rd Class has Telugu Textbook, Math Textbook, English Textbook and EVS Textbook in Telangana State. Students, Parents, and Teachers can check details and download the medium wise and subject wise TS 3rd Class Textbooks from the official website.

TS 3rd Class Textbooks 2023 i.e., TS 3rd Class Telugu Textbook, TS 3rd Class English Textbook, TS 3rd Class Math Textbook and TS 3rd Class EVS textbook 2023 downloading links are provided here for you. Classes I and II are very important in school education. Govt School Education consider them the foundation.
Title | Download the Telangana 3rd Class Textbooks 2023 |
Subject | Telangana DSE Officials released TS SCERT 3rd Class Textbooks 2023 |
Category | Textbooks |
Official Website | |
e-books web portal | TS SCERT Textbooks |
Subject Names | Telugu, Hindi, English, Math |
Learning mathematics is a joyful activity. Students are enthusiastic in participating the activities which affect their perceptions and personal experiences. They accept any challenge. They have their own style in learning. Therefore, they are acquainted with come skills on basic concepts of Mathematics before they come to school.
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TS SCERT 3rd Textbooks
Medium | 3rd Class Languages Textbooks |
Telugu | 3rd Class Telugu Textbook |
2nd Language | 3rd Class Telugu Special Language Textbook |
2nd Language | 3rd Class Sanskrit OC Textbook |
English Subject | 3rd Class English Textbook |
Urdu | 3rd Class Urdu Textbook |
Hindi | 3rd Class Hindi Textbook |
TS SCERT 3rd Class Languages Textbooks 2023
Medium | 3rd Class Math Textbook |
English & Telugu | 3rd Class Bilingual Math Textbook Part 1 |
English & Telugu | 3rd Class Bilingual Math Textbook Part 2 |
Telugu | 3rd Class Math Telugu medium Textbook |
English | 3rd Class Math English medium Textbook |
Urdu | 3rd Class Math Urdu medium Textbook |
Hindi | 3rd Class Math Hindi medium Textbook |
Kannada | 3rd Class Math Kannada medium Textbook |
Marathi | 3rd Class Math Marathi medium Textbook |
Tamil | 3rd Class Math Tamil medium Textbook |
TS SCERT 3rd Class Math Textbooks 2023
Medium | 3rd Class Environmental Science Textbook |
English & Telugu | 3rd Class EVS Bilingual Textbook |
Telugu | 3rd Class EVS Telugu Medium Textbook |
English | 3rd Class EVS English medium Textbook |
Urdu | 3rd Class EVS Urdu Medium Textbook |
Hindi | 3rd Class EVS Hindi Medium Textbook |
Kannada | 3rd Class EVS Kannada medium Textbook |
Marathi | 3rd Class EVS Marathi medium Textbook |
Tamil | 3rd Class EVS Tamil Medium Textbook |
By developing these skills, children enjoy learning mathematics at primary stage. A new textbook on mathematics is raised in this occasion. The new 3rd Class Math textbook continues their natural style of learning and reinforces the standards acquired in the previous classes. This book enriches the conceptual understanding of the children by way of knowledge construction with the help of various meaningful situations of our day-to-day life.
Activities and the exercises in this book help children to understand mathematical concepts and as well as utilize them in their daily life. This 3rd math textbook aims at the syllabus and academic standards focused by the position paper, which is based on Right to education ac 2009 (RTE 2009) and state curriculum framework 2011(SCF 2011).
As the changes in syllabus and teaching learning processes are inevitable due to the suggestions of position paper, a need has arisen to design and develop a new text book. The situations, exercises, and activities given in the textbook are aimed at to develop among children the abilities of problem-solving, logical thinking, expressing ideas in mathematical language, representing data in different forms, connectivity between concepts and different contexts.
As such, the teaching learning processes should be able to promote children’s interactions, critical thinking, creativity and viewing things in different angles to achieve the prescribed standards at this level. The various chapters included in this textbook will be useful to children not only to understand the concepts but also practice them.
As a result, students develop interest and passion for learning mathematics. This book promotes teacher’s professionalism and makes teaching of mathematics a pleasant activity and joyful learning for children. This will also become a helping tool in the Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE).