Apply Online TS PECET-2024 Eligibility, Syllabus, Important Dates B.P.Ed, D.P.Ed
TS PECET-2024 Notification: Telangana State Physical Education Common Entrance Test(TSPECT-2024) notification has been released for the academic year 2024-25. TS PECET-2024 will be conducted for admission into B.PEd as well as D.PEd courses offered by the Universities and affiliated colleges in Telangana State. The online application for TS PECET-2024 started from 14/03/2024. The last date for submission of the TS PECET is April 15, 2024. Aspirants who are eligible and interested candidates can apply online before deadline 15th April, 2024. Here we are providing complete information regarding how to apply online, eligibility criteria, exam fee details. For more information regarding TS PECET-2024 check official website Candidates, before apply online, please go through this article for not making any mistakes.

Overview of TS PECET-2024
Name of the Entrance Exam | Telangana State Physical Education Common Entrance Test(TS PECET)-2024 |
Exam Frequency | Once a year |
Start of Online Application | 14/03/2024 |
Last Date of Apply Online | 15/05/2024 |
Exam Mode | Offline |
Courses Offered | B.PEd and D.PEd |
Conducting Body | Satavahana University, Karimnagar |
Exam Level | State |
Mode of Application | Online |
Entrance Exam Fee | Rs.900 for General, Rs.500 (SC/ST) |
Official Website | |
A Common Entrance Test designated as Telangana State Physical Education Common Entrance Test (TS PECET – 2024) will be conducted by Satavahana University for the academic year 2024-2025 for seeking Admission into B.P.Ed.(2 Years) and D.P.Ed. (2 Years) Courses. The Application form is for Common Entrance Test for the entry into the Physical Education courses.
S.NO | Name of the Event | Date |
1 | Issue of Notification of TSPECET2024 | 12-03-2024 |
2 | Online Registration and Submission of Online Application form for TS PECET 2024 | 14-03-2024 |
3 | Last Date for Submission of Online Registration without late fee | 15-05-2024 |
4 | Last Date for Submission of Online Registration with a late fee of Rs.500 | 25-05-2024 |
5 | Last Date for Submission of Online Registration with a late fee of Rs.2000 | 31-05-2024 |
5 | Physical and Skill Tests at Satavahana University Karimnagar | 10-06-2024 to 13-06-2024 |
Important Instructions to Candidates TS PECET-2024
- Candidates who wish to apply for TS PECET-2024 are requested to fill the particulars carefully in ONLINE APPLICATION. The required information should be collected from the relevant documents.
- Candidates are requested to check the filled in Particulars before pressing SUBMIT button during online application. If candidate wish to change, he/she can change selecting the EDIT button. After verifying and satisfying, submit the ONLINE APPLICATION.
- After submission of ONLINE APPLICATION, if any corrections are to be incorporated, candidate can login to the website with his details and modify the information. If candidate wants to change the information which is not allowed on the website, candidate has to send email to contact TS PECET-2024 office. Hence, candidates are requested to fill the online application form carefully.
- Documental information can be collected as mentioned below.
a) Hall ticket Number of the Qualifying Degree- Marks Memo/ Hall ticket number of Degree
b). Date of Birth
Birth Certificate / SSC or Equivalent Certificate.
Hall ticket No.of SSC or Equivalent examination Certificate-SSC or Equivalent Certificate.
c). Local Status (OU/AU/SVU/Non-local)
The local candidate certificate issued by MRO or competent authority
d) Income of Parents (income is less than Rs.1.0 lakh above 1.0 lakh and below 2.0 lakhs or more than Rs. 2.0 lakhs) – The Income certificate issued by competent authority.
e). Category(SC, ST,BC.Etc.)-The Caste Certificate issued by the competent authority.
Special Category(NCC, Sports,CAP etc.)-The Certificate issued by competent authority - Other Information required for filling Online Application
i). Recent passport size digital color photograph(size<50KB) of candidate for uploading. Digital Signature of the candidate (size <30 KB) of candidate for uploading.
ii). Examination Center to which candidate wishes to appear TSPECET-2024 exam i.e. PhysicalTests and Skill Test will be Satavahana University, Karimangar
iii) Gender(Male/ Female.)
iv) . Community(Non-Minority/Minority).Mobile Number of the candidate.
v)E-Mail of the candidate.
vi). Place where Studied Graduation-URBAN or RURAL area. - The Candidates are advised to report for Physical Test and Skill Test on time, other wise not allowed.
Scheme of TS PECET-2024
Scheme of Entrance Test for B.P.Ed. (2 years) and D.P.Ed. (2 years) courses. The Common Entrance Test for entry of students into B.P.Ed (Two years) and D.P.Ed. (Two years). The tests will be conducted as follows:
Physical Efficiency Tests: Maximum 100 marks for each of the event, marks shall be awarded, by using the conversion tables approved by the TS PECET Committee.
Compulsory Events (No Option) | Compulsory Events (No Option) | ||
1) 100 M Run | 100 Marks | 1) 100 M Run | 100 Marks |
2) 800 M Run | 100 Marks | 2) 400 M Run | 100 Marks |
3) Putting the shot (6 Kgs) | 100 marks | 2) Putting the shot (4 kgs) | 100 marks |
4) Long Jump / High Jump | 100 marks | 3) Long Jump / High Jump | 100 marks |
Skills Tests: Maximum 100 marks for each of the event, marks shall be awarded, by using the Subject Experts
Compulsory (Select any one Sport) | Compulsory (Select any one Sport) |
1. Ball Badminton
2. Basket Ball 3. Cricket 4. Foot Ball 5. Hand Ball 6. Hockey 7. Kabbadi 8. Kho Kho 9. Shuttle Badminton 10. Lawn Tennis 11. Volley Ball |
1. Ball Badminton
2. Basket Ball 3. Cricket 4. Foot Ball 5. Hand Ball 6. Hockey 7. Kabbadi 8. Kho Kho 9. Shuttle Badminton 10. Lawn Tennis 11. Volley Ball |
Note: Pregnant Women are not permitted to appear for these tough physical efficiency tests.
TS PECET-2024 Frequently Asked Questions-FAQs
1. Why have you gone for Online Application Form submission this year?
Ans : Online Application Form has many advantages. Completing an Online Application Form is easy and fast compared to the Printed Application Form and ICR/OMR sheet. The Online submission of the Application Form will reduce the whole processing time for a student such as standing in endless queues at Post Offices/ Banks / e-Seva / CSC to purchase Printed Application forms, take Demand Draft from bank, submission of completed Application form
at the Regional Centers / TS PECET office.
2. How should I submit the Application form?
Ans : For TS PECET-2024, Application should be submitted ONLY through ONLINE mode. Please visit the TS PECET-2024 website for more details.
3. How do I apply ONLINE?
Ans: Visit the TS PECET website and go through the information carefully. Be ready with the “Mandatory Details” and then Click on “APPLICATION FEE PAYMENT” field. It will guide you through the whole process by providing information about TS PECET 2024.
4. What are the various modes of payment of Registration fees?
Ans: There are two modes of payment. The first mode is through TS Online and the other mode is through Debit Card / Credit Card and Net banking.
5. How do I know that my application has been received and accepted after filling in the online application form?
Ans: On successful submission of the online application form, you will immediately receive an SMS on your mobile phone with the Registration number. Further, your “Filled in Online Application form” containing all the details uploaded from database and typed by you along with Registration number and Barcode will be displayed instantly.
7. What should I do with the “Filled in Application Form”?
Ans: You have to take a print and keep a copy of this form and preserve it carefully. Use this Registration number for all future correspondence. If you have given your e-mail id., then a copy of the “Filled in Online Application form” will be mailed to your e-mail address.
8. Should I upload my photograph and signature?
You need to upload the Photo (size < 50KB) and Signature (size < 30KB) as and when prompted by the system.
9. How much is the Application and Registration fee for TS PECET 2024 examination?
Application and Registration fee to appear for TS PECET 2024 examination is: Rs. 500 (SC/ST), Rs.900 (Others).