As per the Rc No: ESE02/983/2021-SCERT AP Date: 01.01.2022, Summative Examination Timetable and Syllabus has been released by Andhra Pradesh, Board of Secondary Education. From 6th class to 10th class SA1 model question papers and syllabus are given for the purpose of students. Students are requested to download respective class summative assessment syllabus and model papers and study accordingly. All subject i.e Telugu, Hindi, Sanskrit, Tamil, English, Science, Social Studies summative syllabus and 6th to 10th Class for UP and High Schools timetable are given below.

Certain Instructions on SA1 Examinations
- All the DEOs in the AP state are informed that it is decided to conduct SA1 from 28/1/2022 to 04/02/2022.As it is the common examination across the state
- Conduct SA1 examination as per schedule without any deviation.
- All the RJDSEs, DEOs are requested to communicate examination schedule to all schools under all respective managements in their jurisdiction.
- Taking in to consideration of the Covid situation in the state, the schedule of assessments has been change changed as follows.
FA 3 --> February 2022, FA 4 --> March 2022, SA2 --> April 2022