March-2025 School Complex Agenda, Scheduled, Instructions

March 2025 School Complex Agenda and Proceedings

Detailed Instructions, Materials, and YouTube Links for the School Complex Meeting – March 2025. As per the Rc.No. ESE02/208/2025-SCERT Dt:11-03-2025. The March School Complex Meetings will take place on March 12, 2025, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. The full schedule, materials, resources, and links are available here.

Cluster Complex Meeting Agenda for the Month of March - 2025
Cluster Complex Meeting Agenda for the Month of March – 2025

In continuation of the instructions issued in the reference 2nd read above, all the RJDSEs, DEOs, APCs, DyEOs, DIET Principals, MEOs and Sectorial Officers of District Samagra Shiksha in the state are hereby informed that the Cluster Complex training at the complex level will be conducted on 12.03.2025 i.e., on Wednesday instead of Third Saturday from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm for the month of March,2025 without any deviation. 100% attendance in all Cluster complexes shall be ensured.

They are further informed that the agenda for Cluster Complex Meeting for the month of March 2025 i.e., 12.03.2025 is appended in Annexure-I and the video links in Annexure-II. The responsibilities of the Cluster Complex Headmaster are detailed below:

Instructions on School Complex Cluster Meeting March 2025

  • . Ensure 100% attendance and engagement of teachers. Ensure availability of digital infrastructure.
  • . Ensure smooth flow of session as per the schedule communicated.
  • . Ensure the RPs are designated and pre-informed about the agenda and notes are shared with them.
  • . Ensure the teachers attending the complex meeting submit their feedback form before dispersing.
  • . Ensure the Prior intimation of Minute to Minute programme to the Participants of the concerned cluster complex.
  • . They have to submit the monitoring format of the meeting convened in their school complex.
  • . All the teachers of Govt, Aided, KGBV schools, residential must attend the Cluster Complex meeting.
  • . Ensure the mapping of one responsible person from District Samagra to each Cluster.
  • . Ensure the proper functioning of IFPs required and internet connectivity at the cluster complex.
  • . Ensure that the content in the links shared by the SCERT are properly displayed.
  • . Ensure proper accommodation, seating arrangement for the teachers, water, sanitation facilities.
  • . Ensure the Identification of 7 Subject wise School Assistants and two senior SGTs as the facilitators one for the teachers handling classes 1 and 2, one for teachers handling 3 to 5 classes of the cluster complex.
  • . Cluster complex first assistant shall assist the cluster complex HM to monitor the SGTs.
  • · By 11.45 am Mid-Day Meal should be closed on the day of cluster complex meeting (Wednesday,12th March, 2025) and all the teachers have to reach the concerned cluster complex venue by 1pm sharp.
  • . Ensure the Facial recognition (Attendance) of the total teachers of the concerned complex is marked at 1 pm and 5 pm.
  • . Ensure the Prior intimation to parents regarding the Half Day School timings (9 am to 12 pm) on Wednesday (12th March,2025) due to the cluster complex meetings keeping in view the safety of the children.
  • . Ensure that the Sanskrit Teachers are retained in the Schools where the Oriental Examinations are scheduled for tomorrow from 1.30pm to 4.45pm i.e., the Sanskrit Teachers are exempted from attending the cluster complex meeting tomorrow.
  • . The Muslim Teachers working in General Schools shall be permitted to leave the Cluster Complex Meeting at 4.00pm owing to their fasting during the holy month of Ramzan.
  • . The teachers working in Urdu Medium Schools need not compulsorily attend the Cluster Complex Meeting. However, it is the discretion of such teachers to attend.
  • . Ensure that holiday is declared tomorrow, to the students of 325 Schools which are centres for APOSS Examinations. The Teachers of these schools shall invariably attend the Cluster Complex Meeting.

Don’ts in the Complex Trainings :

  •  No Felicitation activities like transfers, promotions, no meeting with shawls and garland.
  •  No personal parties, birthday parties, no visits, no site seeing programmes, Availing Leaves except Medical Emergency.
  •  No Discussions on service matter, No personnel discussions.
  • No Union Meeting Discussions.

Monitoring Mechanism:

Monitoring should be done by DEO, DyEO, APC, AD, DIET Principal, DIET Faculty, all sectorial officers of District Samagra, MEO-1 & 2, MIS coordinators and CRPs of the concerned district. Ensure the mapping of one official from the district Samagra to each cluster complex.

Therefore, all the RJDSEs, DEOs, APCs, DyEOs, DIET Principals, MEOs and Sectorial Officers of District Samagra Shiksha District officers, DIET Principals, MEO-I & II, Cluster Complex Headmasters are requested to monitor the complexes and fill the monitoring format. The Cluster Complex Headmaster shall ensure that the teachers who attend the Cluster Complex Meeting shall submit the feedback form invariably.

Further, all the District Educational Officers are requested to identify one nodal person for each and every cluster complex for the smooth functioning.

Any laxity in the matter will be viewed seriously and these instructions shall be followed scrupulously.

Receipt of these proceedings shall be acknowledged.

Cluster Complex Meeting Agenda for the Month of March – 2025

Wednesday 12.03.2025 (1.00 Pm to 5.00 Pm)

 School Cluster Complexes Agenda for March 2025
Time Duratio n Agenda Points – Primary Agenda Points – Secondary
1.00  pm to 2.00
60 Min Session 1: (Common Session)
i)   Briefing   the   Agenda   items
(Cluster HM)
(1.00pm to 1.10 pm)
Session 1: (Common Session)
i)  Briefing  the  Agenda  items
(Cluster HM)
(1.00pm to 1.10 pm)
ii)    Review on  previous  Complex minutes     and     Completion     of Syllabus up to this month (Cluster HM/      Cluster      Sr.      School Assistant)
(1.10 pm to 1.30 pm)
iii)   Discussion on tracking of long
absentees  (Cluster  HM/  Cluster
Sr. School Assistant)
(1.30 pm to 1.45 pm)
iv)  Preparation  of action  plan  on improvement    of    C,    D    grade students for  I to V classes based on   performance   FA-IV   (Cluster HM/      Cluster      Sr.      School Assistant)
(1.45 pm to 2.00 pm)
ii) Review on previous Complex minutes    and    Completion    of Syllabus    up    to    this    month
(Cluster HM/ Remaining HMs)
(1.10 pm to 1.30 pm)
iii)   Discussion   on   tracking   of
long   absentees   (Cluster   HM/ Remaining HMs)
(1.30 pm to 1.45 pm)
iv) Preparation of action plan on improvement   of   C,   D   grade students  for  VI  to  X  classes based on performance in FA-IV/ prefinal   exams   (Cluster   HM/ Remaining HMs)
(1.45 pm to 2.00 pm)
2.00  pm to 3.00
60 Min Session 2:
(Separate   sessions   for   SGTs dealing 1& 2 and 3 to 5) i)       Model  Lesson  on  Difficult Concepts     (Resource     Person from SCERT and Cluster RP)
(From 2.00 pm to 2.45 pm)
Session 2:
(Separate  sessions  –  Subject wise) i)      Model Lesson  on  Difficult Concepts   (Resource   Person from SCERT and Cluster RP)
(From 2.00 pm to 2.45 pm)
 For Classes 1 & 2: ఒత్తులు 2 వ తరగతి తెలుగు ( Telugu: రాజధర్మం (10 వ తరగతి)
For Classes 3 to 5: Agriculture (V class – EVS)
Hindi:   मीरा – पद (Meera Ke Pad) (Class X)
Note:    If   a    single   teacher   is handling all the classes from 1 to 5 the   teacher   has   to   sit   in   the session   regarding   the   1   &   2 classes English: Madam Rides the bus (Class X)
Maths: Probability (Class X)
Physical Science: Light –
Reflection, Refraction (Class X)
Biological Science: Heredity (Class X)
Social Sciences: Map pointing Techniques (Class X)
వయం శిక్షేమ తిరభాగ్య sanskrit
Urdu:   Maqlooth Zaban (Class X)
PDs & PETs: Safety, Security and First aid
ii)   Peer group Discussion on Class (All the participants)   (2.45 pm to 3.00 pm) ii)   Peer group Discussion on Class (All the participants)   (2.45 pm to 3.00 pm)
3.00  pm to 3.15
15 Min Tea break
3.15  pm to 4.00
45Min Session 3:
(Separate   sessions   for   SGTs dealing 1& 2 and 3 to 5) i)      Learning  Outcomes  (March Syllabus/overall) (All participants)
(3.15 pm to 3.25 pm)
Session 3:
(Separate  sessions  –  Subject wise) i)   Learning Outcomes (March Syllabus/          overall)          (All participants)
(3.15 pm to 3.25 pm)
ii)    Peer    Group    Discussion    – strategies     to     teach     difficult concepts based on misconception posters/ TLM (All participants)
(3.25   pm to 3.40 pm)
ii)   Peer   Group   Discussion   – strategies    to    teach    difficult concepts            based            on misconception posters/ TLM (All participants)
(3.25   pm to 3.40 pm)
iii)       Discussion       on       Nipun Lakshyaas   (II   class   –   Telugu)
(SCERT/   Cluster   HM/   Cluster
Complex  Sr.  School  Assistant/ RPs) (For Class I and II)
(3.40   pm to 4.00 pm)
iii) SSC 100 Days Action Plan – Revision    of    core    areas    – Strategies to  Motivate Students for          Stress-Free          Exam Preparation
(Cluster HM/ Remaining HMs/ RPs)
(3.40   pm to 4.00 pm)
Discussion  on  TaRL  Endline  test
(Cluster  HM/  Cluster  Complex
Sr. School Assistant/ RPs) (For Class III to V)
(3.40 pm to 4.00 pm)
Note:    If   a    single   teacher   is handling all the classes from 1 to 5,  the  teacher  has  to  sit  in  the session regarding the 3,4,5 class teachers.
4.00  pm to 5.00
60 Min Session 4: (Common Session)
i) Peer Group Discussion – Action Plan  to  achieve  the  next  month targets like completion of Syllabus, plan  of  conducting  SA-II  exams, Evaluation  and  issue  of  Holistic Progress     Card     (HPC).     (All participants)
(4.00 pm to 4.20 pm)
Session 4: (Common Session)
i)   Peer   Group   Discussion   – Action  Plan to achieve the next month targets like completion of Syllabus,   plan   of   conducting SA-II   exams,   Evaluation   and issue of Holistic  Progress Card (HPC). (All participants)
(4.00 pm to 4.20 pm)
ii)  Videos  on  best  practices  from Local (From SCERT)
(4.20 pm to 4.25 pm)
ii) Videos on best practices from Local (From SCERT)
(4.20 pm to 4.25 pm)
iii) Videos on  best  practices from National/International
(From SCERT)
(4.25   pm to 4.30 pm)
iii) Videos on best practices from National/International
(From SCERT)
(4.25   pm to 4.30 pm)
iv)  Interaction  with  Hon’ble  SPD Sir
(4.30 pm to 4.45 pm) WSg?feature=share
iv) Interaction with Hon’ble SPD Sir
(4.30 pm to 4.45 pm) xWSg?feature=share
v) Feedback – Post-Training Evaluation with 5 MCQs
(4.45   pm to 4.55 pm)
v) Feedback – Post-Training Evaluation with 5 MCQs
(4.45   pm to 4.55 pm)
vi) Closing remarks
(SCERT/Cluster HM)
(4.55   pm to 5.00 pm)
vi) Closing remarks
(SCERT/Cluster HM)
(4.55   pm to 5.00 pm)

Link to Youtube

Cluster  Complex Meetings Youtube Live Link Click Here

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