GO.5 TS Teachers Transfers, Promotions 2023
TS Teachers Transfers 2023 : Telangana Teachers Transfers & Promotions 2023 schedule has been released. For this, Telangana School Education Department has released GO Ms No:05 Dated:25/01/2023. The same is communicated in Rc.No. 565 /Trans/Ser.lV-2 /2022 Dated:25.01.2023 of Director of School Education, Telangana. In Go.5 of regulation of transfers 2023 consist Teachers Transfers 2023 notification, rules for transfers and promotions, schedule for transfers has explained clearly. Here, in this article we are giving complete comprehensive information regarding Telangana Transfers and Promotions. Kingly go through this article to get complete idea of Teachers Transfers and Promotions.
Direct Link to Apply TS Teachers Transfers Online (Click Here)
Read Also : Teachers Transfers 2023 Points Calculator(Click Here)

Read Also: How to apply for transfers online step by step(Click here)
- Download Teachers Transfers Promotion List Click Here
- Download Teachers Vacancy Lis Click Here
The following YouTube video may help to apply Telangana Transfers 2023 online. If you have adequate time, watch this video before apply for Teachers Transfers 2023 to get proper understanding the application process.
Telangana Teachers Transfers & Promotion Guidelines 2023 Overview
Topic | TS Teachers Transfers 2023 Guidelines |
Name of the Title | Check the Telangana Teachers Transfers Rules |
Subject | TS DSE released Telangana Teachers Transfers Regulations |
Category | Transfers and Promotion Guidelines & Schedule |
GO Copy Available at | https://goir.telangana.gov.in/ |
Transfers Website | https://sis.telangana.gov.in/TSTT/TeachersTransfer.do
or https://transf ers.dse.telangana.gov.in/Transfers/officialLogin.do |
Transfers GO.5 | GO Ms No:05 Dt:25/01/2023 |
Mode of Transfers | Web Counselling |
Compulsory Transfers | Gr-II HM who completed 5 years and Teachers who completed
8 years of service by 01/02/2023 |
Minimum Eligibility for TS Transfers 2023 | 2 years |
Transfers Application Dates | 28/01/2023 to 30/01/2023 |
TS Teachers Transfers 2023 Related Information
1 | GO Ms No.5, Dt 25.01.2023 | Click here | |
2 | Persons eligible for promotion to more than one post – Lien or Against vacancy | Click here | |
3 | Service Rules for GHM ZP – Amendment – GO. Ms. No.3, Dt. 23.01.2023 | Click here | |
4 | Service Rules for GHM Govt – Amendment G.O. Ms. No. 4, Dt. 23.01.2023 | Click Here | |
5 | Villages of Peddapally District merged in Jagitial District | Click Here | |
6 | Guidelines for Transfers and Promotions – 2023 | Click Here | |
7 | Formation or Re-organization of new revenue Mandal i.e, Nizampet in Sanga Reddy DIstrict | Click Here | |
8 | Letter on spouse transfers | Click Here |
Schedule for TS Promotions & Transfers 2023
Sl. No. |
Activity | No of Days | Dates | Action |
1. |
1 | 27/01/2023 | DEOs |
2. | Application for transfer online. | 4 | 28/01/2023 to 30/01/2023 | Applicants |
3. | Submission of hard copies with evidences:
HMs along with documentary evidence wherever entitlement points are being claimed |
3 | 31/01/2023 t0 02/02/23 | Applicants |
4 | Submission of hard copies by Concerned officers to DEO for verification and conduct of verification in DEOs office | 3 | 03/02/2023 to 06/02/2023 | Inspecting officers and DEO |
5. | Display of list at O/o District Educational Officer and in website
1 | 07/02/2023 to 08/02/2023 | DEOs |
6. | Submission of objections on seniority list for transfers and promotions with proof: i.In case of SAs, and SGTs and equivalent cadre objections to be submitted to DEOsii In case of HMs, objections to be submitted to RJDs |
1 | 07/02/2023 to 08/02/2023 | individuals |
7. | Redressal of objections/grievances by O/o. RJDs and DEOs | 1 | 08/02/2023 to 10/02/2023 | RJDs/DEOs |
8. | Display of final seniority list at O/o District Educational Officer and in website for transfer and promotions | 2 | 11/02/2023 to 12/20/2023 | RJDs/DEOs |
a) | Exercising web options by Gr-II Headmasters of ZP and Government for transfers | Applicants | ||
b) | Transfer for Headmasters of Z.P Management at multi-zonal level and Headmasters of Government Management at multi -zonal Level through online | 1 | 13/02/2023 | DEOs |
c) | Display of Headmaster Gr-II vacancies of ZP/Govt after Transfer counselling of Gr-II Headmaster s for promotions | 1 | 15/02/2023 | DEOs |
d) | Promotions for SAs as Headmasters of ZP management at multi-zonal level and Headmasters of Government Management at multi- zonal Level | 2 | 16/02/2023 to 18/02/2023 | DEOs |
e) | Display of vacancies of School Assistants of ZP/Govt after promotions of School Assistants as Gr-II Headmasters and | 1 | 19/02/2023 to 20/02/2023 | DEOs |
f) | Exercising web options by School Assistants for transfers counselling in ZP/Govt. | 2 | 19/02/2023 to 20/02/2023 | Applicant |
g) | Transfer for School Assistants in all subjects of Government Z.P management at District level (Telugu, Urdu & English medium) and for LFL Headmaster – all Media | 2 | 21/02/2023 | DEOs |
h) | Display of vacancies of School Assistants after transfers of School Assistants for promotions to the post of School Assistants, except those covered by court case. | 1 | 24/02/2023 | DEOs |
i) | Promotions for SGTs as School Assistants in all subjects of Government /Z.P. Management, except those covered by court case, at District level (Telugu, Urdu and English Medium) and LFL for Headmasters – all Media |
2 | 25/02//2023 to 27/02/2023 | DEOs |
j) | Display of vacancies of SGTs and equivalent cadre for transfers. | 3 | 28/02/2023 to 02/03/2023 | DEOs |
k) | Exercising of web options by SGTs and equivalent cadre for transfer counselling of SGTs. | DEOs | ||
l) | Transfer for SGTs and equivalent cadres of Z.P Management and Government Management | 1 | 04/03/2023 | DEO |
Telangana Teacher Transfers 2023 Rules
- These Rules shall be called the Telangana Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Rules, 2023.
- These Rules shall be applicable to Head Masters/ Head Mistresses – Gr.-11 (Gazetted), School Assistants / SGTs and other equivalent categories working in Govt. / Zilla Parishad/ MPP Schools in the state of Telangana, herein after referred to as Teachers in these Rules.
- These rules shall come into force with immediate effect
Transfers Eligibility Rules for TS Telangana Teachers Transfers 2023
1) The following categories of Head Masters/ Head Mistresses, Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teachers in the Government! ZPP/MPP schools shall be transferred:
- Head Masters/ Head Mistresses, Gr.II (Gazetted), who have completed (05) years of service in a particular School as on 01/02/2023 shall be compulsorily transferred. provided those who are going to retire within (03) years from 01.02.2023shall not be shifted until and unless the incumbent requests for such transfer.
- Teachers, who have completed (08) years of service in a particular School as on 01.02.2023 shall be compulsorily transferred, provided those who are going to retire within (03) years from 01.02.2023shall not he shifted until and unless the incumbent requests for such transfer.
- The Head Master Grade-II (Gazetted) / Male Teacher aged below 50 years as on 01.02.2023 and working in Girl’s High School.
- If no Head Mistress Grade-II (Gazetted)/ women Teachers are available to work in Girl’s High Schools, then Head Master Grade II (Gazetted)! Male Teachers who are over and above 50 years of age may be considered for posting to such schools.
- Ilead Master/Head Mistress Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teacher who has completed a minimum period of two years service in a category of post in a School as on 01.02.2023shall be eligible to apply for transfer.
- The Head Master/ Head Mistress, Gr.II (Gazetted) who has completed (05) years of service and Teacher who has completed (08) years of service as NCC Officer, shall be posted in a vacancy in a School where there is a NCC unit.
All transfers shall he affected within the present Management
Telangana Teachers Transfers 2023 Entitlement Points – Common Points
I. Common points :
Entitlement points shall be awarded to the Head Master/Head Mistress Gr.ll (Gazetted)/ Teacher who
applies for Transfer in the following manner:-
Category Points:
a) For service in the present School, based on its location, as per the following scale, as on 0l.02.2023
- Service in Category III areas: Three (3) points for every year of service and 0.25 fore very completed month
- Service in the Category II areas: Two (2) points for every year of service and 0.16 for very completed month
- service in the Category I areas: One (1) point for every year of service and 0.083 for every completed month
Note 1:- The Habitations / Towns shall be classified into the following categories namely:-
- Category – I: All Habitations / Towns where 17% and above HRA is admissible.
- Category -II: All Habitations / Towns where l3% HRA is admissible.
- Category -III: All Habitations / Towns where 1l % HRA is admissible
b) Service Points: For the Service rendered: 0.041 point for every one month of the completed service in the total service in all categories as on 01 .02.2023
Telangana Teachers Transfers 2023 Special Points
- The President and General Secretary of the Teachers Associations having OD facility in terms of Govt’ orders issued by GA(SW) Dept., from time to time and of the Who availed entitlement points based on Recognition in 2013 Teachers Transfers, at the State and District Levels are eligible for ten (10) Points
- Ten ( l0) points for un-married Head Mistress’ Gr- II / Female Teacher
- Ten (10) points for Head Master/ Head Mistress Gr- II (Gazetted)/ Teacher. whose spouse is working. in State Government or Central Government or Public Sector Undertaking or Local Body or Aided institution in the same District (and opted for transfer nearer to and towards the place of working of his/ her spouse). Benefit of spouse points shall be applicable to the Head Master/Head Mistress Gr II Gazetted) / Teachers once in (05) years and teachers once in 08 years. An entry shall be made in this regard in the Service Book A copy of the Certificate issued by the competent authority shall be enclosed to the application to consider cases under this category.
- Only one of the spouse is entitled for spouse points if both are working as Teacher or HM’ Gr- II (Gazetted) in the same district
III. In case the entitlement points of two or more applicants are equal, the inter-se seniority shall be determined
- Applicants having disability of more than 40% but less than 70% (Visually challenged/ Ortho- handicap/ Hearing Impaired) shall take priority
- Subject to the above, the seniority in the cadre shall be taken into account
Telangana Teachers Transfers 2023 Preferential Categories List
7. The following categories shall take precedence in the seniority Categories: list, in the order given below, irrespective of their entitlement points.
- Physically challenged i.e., those with not less than 70% Visually challenged / Ortho- handicap/ Hearing Impaired and has to enclose SADAREM Certificate or Medical Board Certificate with the application.
- Legally separated women and not remarried.
- Head Master/ Head Mistress, Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teacher / their spouse, who is suffering with the following diseases, in which he/ she is undergoing treatment:
l. Cancer, II. Open Heart Surgery, Ill. Neuro-Surgery, IV. Bone T.B. V. Kidney/ Liver/ Heart Transplantation, VI. Kidney Dialysis.
- Applicants with dependent children who are mentally retarded/ suffering from Leukemia (Blood Cancer)/Thalassemia/Muscular dystrophy and are undergoing treatment.
- Applicants Children suffering with hole in the heart at birth and undergoing medical treatment available only at specified places to which they are seeking transfers.
- Applicants with dependent children suffering from Juvenile Diabetes.
- Download GO 5 TS Teachers Transfers and Pomotions 2023 Click Here