GO47 AP Teachers Transfers 2023 in Pre High School, High School, High School Plus
GO 47 AP Teachers Transfers 2023: AP Teachers Transfers 2023 GO.47 has been issued by the School Education(Ser-II) Department on 22/05/2023. This AP Teachers Transfers 2023 is ensuring subject experts in Pre-High School, High Schools & High School Plus and also required number of Teachers in Foundational Schools, Foundation School Plus. The present transfers GO.47 is based on GO.117 Dt:10/06/2022 , GO.128 13/07/2022 and AP Education Act, 1982. The GO.47 Dt:22/05/2023 is regarding the Andhra Pradesh Teachers Regulation of Transfers Rules 2023, Notification, Regulation Rules, Eligibility, Transfers Counselling, station points, Special Points, Notification of Vacancies are as follows.
Read Also : AP Teachers Trasfers 2023 Points Calculator

Overview of AP Teachers Transfers 2023
- 8.2022 నాటి Childinfo రోల్ ఆధారంగా reapportion.
- అంటే గతంలో చేసిన/అగిన ప్రక్రియే కొనసాగును (ఏ స్కూల్ కి ఏ పోస్ట్లు వచ్చాయో/పోయాయో ..)
- 18.11.2015 ముందు చేరిన టీచర్లు, 18.11.2018 ముందు చేరిన GHMs తప్పనిసరిగా బదిలీ అవుతారు
- Web కౌన్సిలింగ్…
- Blocking of Posts…
- Substitute వస్తేనే ..
- Zero Service : Minimum
- Max: 8AY for Teachers,,
- Max : 5AY for GHMs
- 5.25 లోపు రిటైర్మెంట్ అయ్యే వారికి, VH >40%,OH >75% వారికి, కొరితేనే బదిలీ
- ఉమ్మడి(పాత) జిల్లాల పరిధిలో బదిలీలు
Station Points:
- Category I – 1
- Category II- 2
- Category III -3
- Category IV -5
0.5 Service Points for every completed years up to 31.5.2023
Special Points
- Unmarried Women 5
- Spouse 5
- 40-55% PH 5
- 56-69% PH 10
- Union Leaders 5
- Reapportion 5 (For Not Compulsory only)
Preferential Categories:
- PH not less than 70%
- Widow/Legally Separated
- Diseases
- MR Dependents
- Children with diseases ….
పాయింట్స్ టై అయితే, ప్రాధాన్యత క్రమం
- Cadre Seniority
- వయస్సులో పెద్ద
- స్త్రీ
- 5/8 పూర్తి కాకుండా reapportion కి గురైతే, వారికి మరలా Special Points/Preferential Category ఇస్తారు (అర్హత ఉన్నవారికి)
- Reapportion Points కూడా ఇస్తారు.
- ప్రస్తుత స్టేషన్ పాయింట్స్ ఇవ్వరు.
- అంటే Old Station Points ఇస్తారనే కదా!
- Reapportion లో Senior Willing ఇస్తే,వారికి 5 Reapportion Points రావు. (only for junior)
- Schedule, Guidelines, Clarifications… కమిషనర్ త్వరలో ఇస్తారు.
Subject: School Education – Ensuring of subject teachers in the Pre-High School, High Schools & High School Plus and the required number of teachers in Foundational Schools, Foundational School Plus – The Andhra Pradesh Teachers (Regulation of transfers) Rules – Orders – Issued.
Read the following:
1) A.P Education Act, 1982 (Act 1 of 1982).
2) G.O.Ms.No.117, School Education (Ser.II) Dept., Dt:10.06.2022
3) G.O.Ms.No.128, School Education (Ser.II) Dept., Dt:13.07.2022
4) From the CSE, e-file No.ESE02-14/l l/2022-EST4-CSE.
In order to ensure subject teachers in the Pre-High School, High Schools & High School Plus and the required number of teachers in Foundational Schools, Foundational School Plus, and to facilitate and regulate the transfers of Headmasters, Gr.II and teachers working in Government/ZPP/MPP schools in Andhra Pradesh School Educational Service and the Andhra Pradesh School Education Subordinate Service, the Government have decided to issue rules relating to transfers.
2. The Commissioner of School Education, A.P. shall take action to call for the applications for transfer of teachers through Online and conduct Web counselling duly obtaining the options. The Commissioner of School Education, A.P shall give detailed instructions along with a schedule which will lay out all the details including the time frame for submission of applications, verification of points and related documents, exercising of options, redressal of grievances, issue of transfer orders etc. in accordance with these rules. The Commissioner of School Education, A.P shall also take steps to conduct web based counselling duly inviting the applications from Headmaster (Gr.11)/Teachers through online.
3. The Child Info data as on 31.08.2022 (which was the basis for re apportionment process undertaken and completed) shall be taken as basis for assessment of required teacher posts in a school. The Commissioner of School Education, A.P is the competent authority to issue any clarifications from time to time if any.
4. The Commissioner of School Education, A.P. shall also take up transfers in the District Institution of Educational Training (DIET) along with teacher transfers.
5. For the teachers working under Tribal Welfare Department, separate rules shall be issued by the Department of Tribal Welfare.
6. For the teachers working under Municipal Administration and Urban Development (MA&UD) Dept., separate rules shall be issued in due course by the School Education Department which will be subject to the outcome of the W.P.No.10058 of 2023 and batch.
7. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (HR-I) Dept., vide their U.O. No: HROPDPP (TRPO)/217/2022, (Computer No.1872156) Dated: 19.10.2022.
The following notification will be published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette.
AP Teachers Transfers 2023 Notification
8. In exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 78 and 99 of A.P. Education Act 1982 (Act 1 of 1982) and under Article 309 of the Constitution of India, and in supersession of all the earlier notifications, Rules and guidelines on transfer of teachers, the Government of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following General Rules, regulating the transfers of the categories of Headmasters Gr.II, School Assistants and Secondary Grade Teachers and their equivalent categories in the A.P.School Education Service and the A.P. School Education Sub-ordinate Service working in the Government/ZPP/MPP schools in the State.
AP Teachers Regulation of Transfers Rules 2023
1. Short Title and Applicability
- These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Rules.
- These rules shall apply to Headmaster (Gr.II) in Andhra Pradesh School Education Service and School Assistants / Secondary Grade Teachers and other equivalent categories in Andhra Pradesh School Education Subordinate Service, hereinafter the School Assistants / Secondary Grade Teachers and other equivalent categories referred to as Teacher in these Rules.
- These rules shall come into force with immediate effect.
2. Criteria for AP Teachers Transfers 2023
i. The following categories of Headmaster (Gr.II)/Teachers m the Government/ZPP/MPP shall be transferred.
- Those Headmasters (Gr-II) who have completed 5 Academic years of service in a particular school as on the date of closure of Academic Year 2022-2023 shall be transferred compulsorily.
- Those Teachers other than Headmasters (Gr.II) who have completed 8 Academic Years of service as on the date of closure of Academic Year 2022-2023 shall be transferred compulsorily. (Note: For a & b, more than half of the Academic Year shall be considered as a complete year for this purpose and less than half shall not be considered i.e., who joined before 18.11.2018 in case of Headmasters (Gr.II), and 18.11.2015 in case of Teachers).
- There shall be NO minimum service required for applying for request transfer.
- Provided that those who are going to retire on or before 31.05.2025 (within 2 years) shall not be transferred until and unless the incumbent requests for such transfer.
ii . Criteria for identification of teachers being shifted on re-apportionment as regards surplus posts and teacher deficit schools shall be in accordance with G.O.Ms.No.117 & 128.
Note: (1) The service of the aided teachers shall be taken into consideration from the date of joining in government/ local bodies school.
(2) In case of visually challenged (> 40%) /orthopedically challenged (> 75%) teachers, they shall be exempted and the next junior most shall be affected under re-apportionment.
iii. The Headmaster Gr.II who have completed 5 Academic Years of Service and Teachers who have completed 8 Academic Years of Service as NCC/Scouts officers should be posted in a vacancy in a school where there is an NCC/Scouts unit. If no vacancy is available in another school having NCC/Scouts unit they shall be continued in the same school on their request.
iv. As per the Orders Dt:31.01.2022 of the Hon’ble High Court of AP in W.P.No.20124 of 2021 and batch, teachers who have worked in Govt./MPP/ZPP schools in the limits of Municipal Corporation/Municipalities and transferred and joined in Category – III & IV places shall be eligible to claim old station points. In such case, the present station points will not be considered.
v. Visually challenged teachers (> 40%) & Orthopedically Challenged Teachers 75%) are exempted from transfers. However, if such teachers desire to apply for transfer, they may apply for transfer counselling.
- Transfers shall be effected within the present management in which the teacher is working.
- If the Headmaster (Gr.lI)/Teacher desires to go to his/her parent management such Headmaster (Gr.II)/Teacher may opt for transfer to only those vacancies available in their parent management. In such instances, their seniority shall be taken into account in the parent management.
- Subject to fulfilment of conditions stipulated in this GO, Non-ITDA Headmaster (Gr.II)/Teacher currently working in Schools in ITDA area/s may also apply for transfers to Non-ITDA areas. However, they will be relieved only after their replacement by substitutes.
- If the vacancy of teacher post could not be filled in ITDA areas, junior most surplus teacher/s in Non-ITDA areas shall be deputed temporarily after transfer counselling.
3. AP Teachers Transfers 2023 Counselling
- Such Districts (as were notified prior to the re-organization of districts vide notification dt:03.04.2022) shall continue to be treated as a Unit for transfers.
- Transfers and postings of Headmasters (Gr.II)/Teachers shall be done based on station & special points as specified in these rules.
- After the finalization of lists and notification of vacancies, Options shall have to be exercised by the Headmasters (Gr.11)/Teachers through web counselling.
- Transfer orders shall be issued by the competent authority with the approval of respective Committees based on the final lists drawn online duly following the prescribed procedure.
- Competent Authority for Postings & Transfers The appointing authority concerned shall issue transfer and posting orders based on the outcome of the web options exercised by the Headmaster (Gr.II)/Teachers.
- Committee for Transfers and Counselling: The following competent authorities are constituted to conduct counselling in accordance with the list prepared as per rule 11, 12 & 13.
4. Competent Authority for Postings & Transfers 2023
The appointing authority concerned shall issue transfer and posting orders based on the outcome of the web options exercised by the Headmaster (Gr.II)/Teachers.
5. Committee for Transfers and Counselling
The following competent authorities are constituted to conduct counselling in accordance with the list prepared as per rule 11, 12 & 13.
(i) For Transfer of Headmaster (Gr.II) in Government High School
a. Zonal Headquarter Joint Collectors (i.e., Visakhapatnam, Guntur, Kakinada and YSR districts) shall act as Chairman of the Committee.
b. The concerned Regional Joint Director of School Education shall act as Member Secretary.
c. The District Educational Officers are concerned Members.
6. Station Points in AP Teachers Transfers 2023
Station points shall be awarded to the Headmaster (Gr.II) / Teachers for no. of years of service in the respective school as on 31.05.2023 in the following manner
- For every year of service in Category IV areas 5
- For every year of service in Category III areas 3
- For every year of service in Category II areas 2
The Habitations/Town shall be classified under the following categories
Category- I | All Habitations/Towns where 20% (RPS-2015)/ (RPS-2020) and above HRA are admissible | 16% |
Category-II | All Habitations/Towns where 14.5% (RPS-2015)/ (RPS-2020) and above HRA are admissible | 12% |
Category-III | All Habitations/Towns where 12% (RPS-2015)/ (RPS-2020) and above HRA is admissible | 10% |
Category-IV | All Habitations where 12% (RPS-2015)/10% (RPS- 2020) HRA is admissible, and which do not have connectivity through an all-weather road as per the norms of Roads & Buildings/Panchayat Raj (Engineering) Department. Hilltop area schools shall be considered Category – IV. | 10% |
Special Points AP Teachers Transfers 2023
Here are the poins awarded for Un-Married female HM Gr-II, Spouse Category, Physical Handicapped, Re-apportionment points, Presedent and General Secretary of the recognised teachers unions
(i) | Un-married female Headmaster (Gr.11)/Teacher | 5 |
(ii) | Headmaster (Gr.11)/Teacher whose spouse belongs to State Government or Central Government or Public Sector undertaking or Local Body, AP Residential Educational Institutions Societies, Aided Institution or A.P. Model Schools or KGBVs (only teaching staff) and working in the same district/zonal cadre and adjacent district. Headmasters (Gr.11)/Teachers may opt for transfer to a place within the District or to an Adjacent Manda! / Division to the neighbouring District towards the nearer place of working o1 his/her spouse. | 5 |
The benefit of spouse points shall apply to one of the spouses once in 5/8 years only. An entry to this effect shall be recorded in the SR of the Headmaster (Gr.11)/Teacher concerned under proper attestation. | ||
If both the spouses are under compulsory transfer I reapportion, he/she may be permitted to opt for any place in the district and only one of the spouses shall be eligible for entitlement o1 spouse points. | ||
If one of the spouses is under compulsory transfer I reapportion, the spouse who is in the first spell counselling may be allowed to opt f o r any place in the district, if his / her spouse is under compulsory transfer I re apportion. | ||
If the spouse is working in the neighbouring district / adjacent district, the teacher availing spouse points should opt for the nearest place in the district to the working place of her / his spouse in the adjacent district. A copy of the certificate issued by the competent authority | ||
shall be enclosed on the checklist to consider cases under this category | ||
(iii) | (a) Physically Handicapped i.e. those with not less than 40% to 55% Visually Challenged/Orthopedically HandicappedJ Hearing Impaired. | 5 |
(b) Physically Handicapped i.e. those with not less than 56% to 69% Visually Challenged/Orthopedically Handicapped/ Hearing Impaired. | 10 | |
(iv) | The President and General Secretary of the recognized Teachers’ Unions at the State and District Level | 5 |
(v) | Re-apportionment Points (05 points): The Headmaster (Gr.11)/Teachers who are affected by re-apportionment are eligible for extra points over and above already secured points. | |
The Headmasters (Gr.11)/Teachers who have completed 5/8 Academic years of service respectively in a particular school and; senior teacher given willingness are not eligible for Re apportionment points. | ||
Note: If an option is not given, he/she will be allotted to category IV/ III leftover vacancies only. |
In case of a Tie in Points secured
In case of a Tie in Points secured: In case, the entitlement points of two or more applicants are equal then
- The seniority in the cadre shall be taken into account.
- Priority to the candidate based on the date of birth (Senior) besides rule (a) above.
- Women
Preferential Categories in AP Teachers Transfers 2023
Preferential Categories: The following categories shall be preferred in the order given below, irrespective of their points awarded under rule 6 & 7.
a. Physically handicapped i.e., those with not less than 70% Visually Challenged/Hearing Impaired/Orthopedically Challenged employees.
c. A teacher who is suffering from the following diseases, in which he/she is undergoing treatment
- Cancer
- Open Heart Surgery/Correction of ASD/Organ Transplantation
- Neuro Surgery
- Bone TB
- Kidney Transplantation/Dialysis
- Spinal – Surgery
d. Applicants with dependents i.e., Mother, Father, Children, and Spouse who are mentally challenged and are undergoing treatment.
e. Children suffering from holes in the heart by birth and undergoing medical treatment available only at specified places to which they are seeking transfers.
f. Applicants with dependent children suffering from Juvenile Diabetes.
g. Applicants with dependent children suffering from Thalassemia Disease.
h. An applicant with dependent children suffering from Hemophilia Disease.
1. An applicant with dependent children suffering from Muscular Dystrophy.
J. Spouse of the service person in Army/Navy/Air Force/BSF/CRPF/ CISF
k. Ex-servicemen in Army/Navy/Air Force/BSF/CRPF/CISF now working as a teacher shall be considered.
Notification of Teachers Vacancies:
1. The following vacancies shall be notified for counselling:
- All clear vacancies as on 31.05.2023.
- All vacancies arising due to compulsory transfers as per rule 2
- Resultant vacancies arise during counselling.
- Vacancies exist due to the authorized/unauthorized absence of teachers for more than 1 year.
- Vacancies due to maternity leave, medical leave, or under suspension should not be notified. They can be filled up by work adjustment if the period is beyond 4 weeks.
- The committee shall arrive at the number of vacancies i.e. the difference between sanctioned and working in each cadre. Then the committee shall have to block the same number of vacancies proportionately in categories I,II and III taking Manda! as a unit. Example: In an erstwhile district, sanctioned SGT posts: 5,000 and working: 4500, then to be blocked vacancies are 5000-4500=500. If 40 mandals in the district, proportionately block that 500 vacancies in category-I, II and III.
4. The Headmaster (Gr.II)/Teacher vacancies shall be computed based on the Child Info data with the cut-off date as of 31.08.2022 and by taking into consideration the pupil-teacher ratio and as per the re-apportionment norms as notified by Government vide ref 2nd & 3rd read above. This shall be re confirmed by the competent authorities after field-level verification with the approval of their respective committees.
Download GO.47 AP Teachers Teachers 2023 Click Here