AP SSC/10th Class Public Examinations Hall Tickets(Out) March-2024
AP SSC/10th Class Hall Tickets March-2024: 10th Class/SSC Hall Tickets will be released, and it will be placed in the official website bse.ap.gov.in shortly by the Director of Govt. Examinations, Andhra Pradesh. The examinations board is popularly known as SSC Board. Students who are appearing SSC/10th Class Public Examinations March-2024 can download their hall tickets. Examinations will be conducted as per the time table released. Students are advised to take a view at SSC Model Paper March-2024 before appearing the final examination.

Students can download Hall Tickets of 10th Class/SSC Hall Tickets from the official website bse.ap.gov.in and should take signature form the school headmaster. If anything found wrong in the hall ticket, take to the consideration of the Head Master of the School. He/she in turn send the information to DGE AP for corrections.
Overview of SSC/10th Class Hall Tickets March-2024
Name of the Examinations | SSC/10th Class Public Examinations March-2024 |
Topic | AP SSC(10th Class) Hall Ticket |
Class | 10th Class |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Official website for Hall Tickets | https://bse.ap.gov.in |
Hall Tickets Status | Available on the official website |
Exam Dates | Start Date: 18th March 2024 Exam Time Table |
Level of Examination | AP State Level |
Mode of Examination | Offline Mode, Written Test |
Download 10th Class/SSC Hall Tickets March-2024
Here we are providing a direct link to download 10th Class/SSC Hall Tickets March-2024. Students and Teachers are requested to download by using the direct link given below. Students can download Regular, Private, OSSC, OSSC Private, Vocational Hall Tickets from the following links.
S No | Category of the Hall Ticket | Download Link |
1 | Regular SSC/10th Class Hall Tickets | Click Here |
2 | Private Hall Tickets SSC/10th Class | Click Here |
3 | OSSC Hall Tickets | Click Here |
4 | OSSC Private Hall Tickets | Click Here |
5 | Vocational Hall Tickets | Click Here |
How to Download SSC/10th Class Hall Tickets March-2024
- Login to the official website https://bse.ap.gov.in
- In the home page left vertical menu, find the link to the SSC Hall Tickets 2024.
- Click on the desired link in the left menu, the link leads to the next page.
- In the page find the link to SSC Regular Students or whichever you want and click on it.
- From the dropdown list, select School Name, Select the Candidate Name and Enter Date of Birth then hit Download Hall Ticket Button.
- Take printout of Hall Ticket to get access to the SSC Examination Hall.
Important Instructions to the Candidates
1. Candidate should note TIME TABLE (i.e) Dates against the paper I and II of the subjects appearing.
2. The candidate is advised to visit the center one or two days in advance to know the location of the center and the transportation facilities available to reach the center on time daily to avoid tension and confusion.
3. The candidate should verify the particulars printed in the hall ticket and in case of any mistakes, he/she shall bring them to the notice of the forwarding school Head master and the Chief Superintendent of the center well in advance.
4. The candidate shall be present at the examination center by 08:30 AM on all the days of examination. The Candidate shall be allowed into the examination hall from 08:45 AM to 09:30 AM only. No candidate shall be permitted into the examination hall after 09:30 AM.
5. A candidate who resorts to any kind of malpractice during the examination will not be permitted to write subsequent papers as per G.O.Rt.No. 872, SE (Exams) Dept, Dated: 16-05-1992.
6. Candidate (Regular/Private) should preserve this “Hall Ticket” for any further future correspondence.
7. Wherever the photo is not printed /manually written hall ticket is received, the H.M. has to affix photo of the candidate under his or her attestation duly affixing the school stamp.
1. “OMR Bar Coding” is extended for all papers – SSC, OSSC and Vocational SSC. Before the commencement of examination, the candidate will be provided an Answer booklet having 24 Pages and printed Bar-Coded OMR Sheet having particulars of the Candidate and the day’s examination. The candidate shall verify the particulars printed on OMR sheet with his/her particulars such as Name, Photo, Roll Number etc., and staple it, if it belongs to him/her to the answer book as indicated. In case of discrepancy, he/she shall bring it to the notice of the Invigilator and obtain correct OMR Sheet. The candidates should start answering after the verification of the OMR sheet. Name of the Candidate or Roll Number must not be written on any page of the 24-Page Answer Booklet, Map and Graph Sheet. The serial number of the 24-Page Answer Booklet only shall be written on the Graph Sheet and Map. No other particulars should be entered.
2. The candidate shall verify the Language Combinations opted by him/her i.e., 01T/02T & 03T/04S etc. before the commencement of the examination.
3. With regards to the Science Examinations, Two OMRs as well as Two Answer Booklets are provided to the Candidates, One for the Physical Science and another for the Biological Science. The candidates are instructed to write Answers of Physical Science and Biological Science in the separate Answers Booklets allotted to them.
9. All candidates must appear for examination at the center allotted to him/her only, the candidate will not be permitted at any other examination center.
AP SSC Hall Tickets Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Here, we give answer some of the most important questions which are frequently asked questions regarding the 10th Class/SSC Hall Tickets.
Question 1 : When is the hall ticket for class 10th students to be available?
Ans :SSC Hall Tickets can download from the official website https://bse.ap.gov.in
Question 2 : How can we get the AP SSC Hall Ticket, What information is need to download it?
Ans : Students can down SSC Hall Tickets by entering School Name, Student Name and Date of Birth.
Question 3: Can I download the hall ticket individually?
Ans : Yes, Students can download SSC Hall Tickets individually by entering School name, Student name and Date of Birth.
Question 4: What all information Hall Ticket consist of ?
Ans : Hall Ticket consist of Name of the Candidate, Personal Information, Date of Examinations, Center Name, Roll Number, Center Number and other relevant details.
Questions 5: Is it mandatory to carry a hall ticket to each day of the exam ?
Ans : Yes, Students need to carry Hall Ticket as an identity proof for the students on the day of the exam.