AP 1000 CBSE Schools 2024-25 Telugu Teaching Guidelines for 10th Students
AP Govt 1000 CBSE Schools Telugu New Text Book Teaching Guidelines, Action Plan 2024-25 New Syllabus Shifting of 10th class students in 1,000 schools to SSC Board for 2024-25 final assessments – Guidelines for teaching Telugu Text Books (New Syllabus) provided by the Government, Text Books Press – Certain instructions – Issued

School Education Dept., – C.B.S.E. –Implementation of CBSE assessments for 10th class in 1,000 schools – Deferred – Shifting of 10th class students in 1,000 schools to SSC Board for 2024-25 final assessments – Guidelines for teaching Telugu Text Books(New Syllabus) provided by the Government, Text Books Press – Certain instructions – Issued – Reg Rc.No.ESE02/576/2024-MODAL SCHOOL-CSE Dated:- 24/09/2024
1.G.O.Ms.No.31, Dated: 13-09-2024 of School Education (PROG.I) Department.
- This office Procs.Rc.No.ESE02/576/2024 – MODAL SCHOOL- C.S.E Dated:15.09.202
In continuation of this office proceedings issued vide reference 2nd read above, all the District Educational Officers(DEOs) and Regional Joint Directors of School Education(RJDSEs) in the State is invited to the references read above and are informed that the Government have issued orders stating that the implementation of CBSE assessments for 10th class in the said 1,000 schools, is deferred for the time being and it will be taken up once the capacities of student and teachers arrive at the minimum threshold. It is also decided that a gradual transformation to better standards in assessments would be taken up from 6th-grade onwards in all Government schools from the academic year 2025-26, which provides a structured transition, enabling students and teachers to become accustomed to the new system without overwhelming them.
Consequently, the Government hereby further ordered to shift all the existing 10th class students in the said 1,000 schools to SSC Board for 2024-25 final assessments.
Therefore, all the DEOs and RJDSEs are further requested to follow the guidelines for completion of Telugu Text Book (New Syllabus) for Class X students who are studying in 1000 CBSE Schools mentioned hereunder:-
- Ensure that Telugu Text Book (New Syllabus) shall be made available to all the Class X Students.
- Conduct F.A.-1 assessments for Telugu (Syllabus: Textual Grammar part and Balakanda of Non Detailed Text Book) internally at School Level on 1st October, 2024.
- The syllabus completion, schedule and examination pattern from A.-2 onwards shall be as per the Academic Calendar communicated by the SCERT, A.P., Amaravati.
- The syllabus should be completed on or before 21st December, 2024
- The detailed day-wise action plan (attached herewith) for teaching the Telugu Text Book (New Syllabus) shall be followed strictly.
Therefore, all the District Educational Officers and Regional Joint Directors of School Education(RJDSEs) in the State are hereby requested to issue necessary instructions to all the Principals/ Head masters of CBSE (1000) affiliated Govt., schools under their respective jurisdiction to take further action for teaching Telugu Text Books(New Syllabus) provided by the Government, Text Books Press duly following the action plan scrupulously and complete the syllabus within the schedule to avoid hardship of the students and report compliance in this regard every fortnight without fail.
The receipt of these orders shall be acknowledged.
Action Plan for Telugu in 1000 CBSE Schools – AP
Government of Andhra Pradesh Action Plan for 1000 CBSE Schools – AP
- 10వ తరగతి నూతన తెలుగువాచక బోధనకు ప్రత్యేక కార్యాచరణ ప్రణాళిక
- CBSE (1000) పాఠశాలలో తెలుగు పదవ తరగతి నూతన తెలుగువాచక బోధనకు, పీరియడ్ల సర్దుబాటుకు మార్గదర్శకాలు
- నూతన పాఠ్యపుస్తకములను బోధన పూర్తి చేయడానికి గడువు డిసెంబర్ 31.2024.
- > ఒక వారానికి తెలుగుకు కేటాయించవలసిన పీరియడ్లు – 12.
- సహపాఠ్యాంశాలు అనగా గేమ్స్ (1), మాస్ డ్రిల్ (1), ఆరోగ్య విద్య (1), గ్రంధాలయం -1, వృత్తి విద్య – 2, కెరీర్ గైడెన్స్ – 1, పీరియడ్లను తెలుగుకు కేటాయించాలి.
- అనగా ఒకటి తెలుగు పిరియడ్ + ఒకటి సహ పాఠ్యాంశం. 1 + 1 = 2.
- అవసరమయితే పాఠ్యాంశాలు బోధించడం అయిపోయిన సబ్జెక్టు పీరియడ్లు అనగా
- ( ఫిజిక్స్, నేచురల్ సైన్స్, ఇంగ్లీషు)ను కూడా తెలుగుకు కేటాయించుకోవచ్చు.
- > F.A.-1 బాలకాండ, సాధారణ వ్యాకరణం అంశాలలో October 1న అంతర్గత పరీక్ష
- నిర్వహించవలెను.
- F.A-2 నుండి SCERT షెడ్యూలు ప్రకారము సిలబస్ పూర్తి చేసి పరీక్షలకు సన్నద్ధము కావలెను.
- తెలుగు ఉపాధ్యాయునికి పనిభారము అధికమని భావించిన యెడల అతను / ఆమె బోధించే క్రింది తరగతి పీరియడ్లను తగ్గించుకోవచ్చు.