Download Ashutosh Mishra Report 11th PRC, RPS-2022 PDF
11th PRC Ashutosh Mistra Report has been released. In his report Master Scale concept is retained with 32 Grades and 83 stages and Minimum scale Rs.20,000/-, Fitment 27%, Dearness allowance, HRA, CCA, Advance Increments, Loans are clearly mentioned as follows.
Table of Contents
- Pay Scale of Ashutosh Mishra
- Fitment
- Dearness Allowance
- House Rent Allowance
- City Compensatory Allowance
1. Pay Scale:
a) The Master Scale concept is retained with 32 Grades and 83 stages (increased from 81stages). The Master scale is formulated with the following features:
i. Annual increment to range from 3% of the pay in initial stages to 2.34% at the end.
ii. Periodicity of increase in increment is recommended to be 3 years up to stage 72 in the Master Scale, 4 years for stage 73-80 and 2 years thereafter.
b) The New Pay Scale is evolved by merging 100% of Dearness Allowance (as on 01.07. 2018) with Basic Pay and adding the fitment benefit.
c) The ‘Minimum Pay’ for the lowest paid employee is to be ₹.20,000/- per month.
d) The ‘Maximum Pay’ in the Master scale is worked out to Rs1,79,000/- p.m. which represents a Maximum to Minimum ratio of 8.95.
e) In the event of stagnation in pay scale, grant of up to 5 stagnation increments is recommended.

2. Fitment:
The Commission recommends a fitment benefit of 27 % on Basic Pay.
3. Date of Effect of New Pay Scale:
The new pay scales may come into effect from 1.7.2018. Government may however take a view regarding the date from which the monetary benefit would accrue keeping in view its resource position and the various demands thereon.
4. Dearness Allowance:
a) The existing practice of revising the Dearness Allowance (DA) twice a year, on 1st January and 1st July, in tandem with the sanction of DA by the Government of India may be continued.
b) Since the Central rates of DA are based on the DA merged scales of 1.1.2016 while in the State DA is recommended to be fully merged on 1.7.2018, the Commission recommends a conversion factor of 0.91 for sanction of DA from 1.1.2019. It
means that for every 1 % increase in DA sanctioned by the Government of India, the DA to be sanctioned by the State to its employees would be 0.91% starting from 1.1.2019.
5. House Rent Allowance:
a) HRA may be allowed at the following rates
(i) @ 30% of basic pay subject to a ceiling of ₹.26,000/- p.m. for employees shifting from Hyderabad on bifurcation of State.
(ii) @ 22% of pay basic pay subject to a ceiling of ₹.22,500/- p.m. in cities with population above 10 lakh
(iii) @ 20% of pay basic pay subject to a ceiling of ₹.20,000/- p.m. in cities with population of above 2 lakh and up to 10 lakh.
(iv) @ 14.5% of pay basic pay subject to a ceiling of ₹.20,000/- p.m. in cities with population of above 50,000 and up to 2 lakh
(v) Rest of the employees @12% subject to a limit of ₹.17,000 p.m.
b) Additional HRA in lieu of rent free accommodation is retained at 8 % of basic pay, but the monetary ceiling is recommended to be increased from ₹.2,000/- to ₹.2,600/- p.m.
6. City Compensatory Allowance:
For the purpose of grant of City Compensatory Allowance, the Commission has recommended two slab rates, one for Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada and the second for the 12 other Municipal Corporations . The quantum of allowance is increased for all the pay ranges (Municipal Corporations of Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada ₹400-1000 and other Municipal Corporations ₹,300-750).
7. Advance Increments
The Commission has recommended not to grant in the normal course any special increment for possessing higher qualifications.
8. Loans and Advances
a) The Commission has recommended that the Government tie-up with financial institutions for grant of House Building/Personal Conveyance loans and link up repayment to salary disbursement. Back-ended subsidy of 2.5% has been
recommended on such loans;
b) Pending such tie up, revised eligibilities, amounts and floating rate of interest linked to Repo Rate have been recommended in respect of all types of advances;
c) It is recommended that the eligibility for ‘Advance for purchase of Personal Computer’ may be increased to a maximum of 3 times during the entire service career subject to a minimum gap of 7 years between the purchase of two
successive computers and complete repayment of previous computer advance.
9. Leave Benefits:
a) Additional 5 days Casual Leave has been recommended in favour of non-teaching women employees on par with the teaching women employees;
b) Child Adoption Leave up to 180 days is recommended for woman employee having less than two surviving children if she legally adopts a child up to one year of age. Subject to the same conditions, paternity leave up to 15 days may be
extended to ‘single’ male employees (unmarried/widower/divorcee) within a period of 6 months of child adoption;
c) Child Care Leave has been recommended to be increased to 180 days in a maximum of three spells. It may also be extended to ‘single’ male employees (unmarried/widower/divorcee);
d) Special Casual Leave of up to 7 days in a year is recommended for orthopedically challenged employees needing to change prosthetic aides. Same duration of Special Casual Leave has also been recommended for Nursing staff working in
high risk ward;
e) Revised rates have been prescribed for Ex-gratia Allowance payable to the employees who are granted extra-ordinary leave for the treatment of certain diseases.
10. Medical Benefits:
a) In order to ensure financial sustainability of EHS, the quantum of employees’ contribution should be increased in steps over a period of time along with similar step-up in the Government contribution;
b) The pending claims of the network hospitals should be settled expeditiously by releasing additional funds to the Arogyasri Trust;
c) The facility of Annual Health check-up may be extended to the Pensioner and his/her spouse;
d) The Dr. YSR Arogyasri Trust may hold talks with a few hospitals in Hyderabad, Bangalore and Chennai, empanelled by the concerned State Governments, for inclusion under the EHS;
e) Medical Allowance to Service Pensioners / Family Pensioners is recommended to
be enhanced to ₹.500/- p.m.
11. Special Pays:
The quantum/rate of Special Pay for the existing category of employees has been recommended to be suitably enhanced. In respect of a few categories we have recommended its discontinuance.
12. Other Allowances:
a) Mileage Allowance is recommended to be increased to ₹.15.50 per k.m. for petrol driven vehicles, ₹.11.50 per k.m. for diesel driven vehicles and ₹.6.40 per k.m. for motor cycles/ scooters.
b) Rates of Daily Allowance and Lodging Charges may be enhanced by 33 % to ₹.300-600 per day for tours inside the State and ₹.400-800 per day for tours outside the State
c) For the purpose of payment of lodging charges a fresh classification of places, inside and outside the State, has been drawn up and lodging charges have been fixed from ₹.300/- to ₹.1700/- per day.
d) Conveyance charges to Court Masters and Personal Secretaries to Hon’ble Judges of A.P. High Court/ APAT has been increased to a maximum of ₹.5000/- per month.
e) Fixed Travelling Allowance enhanced to a maximum of ₹.1700/- per month from the existing ₹.1200/- per month. The rates applicable for minimum 20 days touring in a month have been rationalised pro rata compared to the rates fixed
for minimum 15 days touring in a month. Several new categories of employees from the Departments of Animal Husbandry, Cooperation, Sericulture, School Education and Panchayatiraj/Tribal Welfare Engineering have been
recommended to be added to the list to get FTA. f) The limit for Tuition Fee reimbursement has been enhanced to ₹.2500/- per
annum per child, subject to a maximum of two children.
g) Funeral Charges of deceased employee has been recommended for increase to ₹.20,000/-.
h) Special Compensatory Allowance payable for working in the Tribal areas has been increased from the existing minimum and maximum of ₹.500/- per month and ₹.1275/- per month respectively to ₹. 700/- per month and ₹.1800/- per
i) Substantial increases have been suggested in Uniform Allowance, Uniform Maintenance Allowance and Stitching Charges.
j) Enhanced admissibility of Risk Allowance has been suggested and new categories have been added to the existing list of employees eligible for ‘Risk Allowance’ in the Departments of Animal Husbandry and Forest.
k) ‘Ration Allowance’ has been recommended at enhanced rates. New categories have been suggested for inclusion in the Insurance Medical Service and HM&FW departments.
l) Increases have been recommended in ‘Emergency Health Care Allowance’, PG Degree and Diploma Allowance, Non Private Practice Allowance, Tribal Allowance and Rural Allowance for several categories of employees in Medical related Departments.
m) ‘Readers Allowance’ to Visually Challenged teacher and lecturers is recommended to be enhanced by 33 percent, up to a maximum of ₹. 1200/- per month.
n) ‘Delhi Allowance’ / ‘Special Compensatory Allowance’, to the staff working in the Andhra Pradesh Bhavan at New Delhi, has been recommended to be enhanced to 15% of Basic Pay subject to a maximum of ₹.5000/- per month.
o) ‘Special Gratuity Allowance’ to drivers of AP Bhavan has been recommended to be increased to ₹.30/- per hour subject to a ceiling of 100 hours in a month.
p) ‘Conveyance Allowance’ to physically challenged employees has been enhanced to 10% of Basic Pay subject to a maximum of ₹.2000/- per month.
13. Pensionary Benefits:
In respect of pensionary benefits our recommendations are the following:
a. To consolidate pension/family pension with dearness relief as on 1.7.2018. 27% of the basic pension/family pension is to be treated as fitment benefit.
b. To continue the existing provision of full pension after 33 years of qualifying service with 5 years of service weightage. Similarly no change is recommended in the formula for fixation of pension/family pension.
c. A revised scale of additional quantum of pension starting from 70 years of age has been suggested
d. If a government servant dies while in service, enhanced family pension is recommended to be paid to his dependants for a period of up to 10 years without any upper age limit. In case of death after retirement the enhanced family pension
should be payable for a period of seven years or up to the date on which he would have attained 67 years, had he survived, whichever is earlier.
e. The conditions of 45 years age limit in respect of unmarried/widowed/divorced daughter of family pensioners may be rescinded and the stipulation regarding having children may be altered so as to exclude widowed/divorced daughter
having a child who has attained 25 years of age or started earning.
f. To allow Dearness Relief on both the basic pensions (Service and Family) received by the same pensioner.
g. The quantum of minimum pension/ family pension is recommended to be increased to ₹.10000/- p.m.
h. The maximum amount of Gratuity payable at the time of retirement is recommended to be enhanced from ₹.12 lakh to ₹.16 lakh.
i. The maximum limit for Death Relief amount on the death of a service pensioner/ family pensioner is recommended to be enhanced to ₹.20,000/-.
j. The financial assistance is recommended to be increased to the level of minimum service pension/family pension (₹.10,000 per month) with dearness relief thereon after 1.7.2018.
k. The existing ceiling limit of commutation at 40% of basic pension and provision regarding restoration of commuted portion of pension after 15 years should be continued.
14. Work Charged Establishment:
The scales of pay of Work Charged establishment have been rationalised keeping in view the qualifications prescribed at the entry level and the service conditions.
15. Full Time Contingent Employees and Contract Employees:
i. The Commission recommends a remuneration of ₹.20,000/- p.m. (i.e. the
minimum pay of Last Grade Employees in the proposed RPS) plus DA to the Fulltime Contingent/Daily Wage/ Consolidated Pay/NMR employees whose services have not been regularized and who are already drawing a remuneration of
₹.13,000/- p.m. + DA in the 2015 RPS.
ii. In respect of Contract employees also the remunerations may be fixed at the minimum of the time scale, in the now revised pay scale, of the equivalent category in regular employment in the Government. iii. The revision in remuneration in respect of these employees may be given effect to simultaneously (with effect from the same date) with the regular Government
16. Home Guards:
i. They may be paid Daily Allowance at the rate of 1/30th of the Minimum Pay (in the Revised Pay Scale recommended in this report for the Police Constables) plus Dearness Allowance thereon at the rates applicable to the Government
employees from time to time.
ii. The Home Guards may allowed to draw TA/DA at the rates applicable to Police Constables when they are sent on bandobaust duty to a place which is more than 8 km. from their normal place of duty.
17. Automatic Advancement Scheme:
The existing scheme of AAS may continue with the following modifications:
(1) The present SPP Scale -II/SAPP Scale-II, eligible after 24 years of service in the same post, may be rechristened as SPP Scale -IIA/SAPP Scale-IIA
(2) An employee, on completion of 30 years of service in a particular post, may be granted one increment in the SPP Scale IIA/ SAPP Scale IIA, as the case may be, which shall be called the Special Promotion Post Scale II-B/ Special Adhoc
Promotion Post Scale II-B.
(3) The benefit of Automatic Advancement Scheme may be continued up to and inclusive of Grade25 in the revised scales i.e., ₹.76730-162780.
18. Human Resources to Meet Contemporary Requirements of Governance
a. Each department should draw up a Recruitment Plan, updated on annual basis, containing details of existing vacancies in staff and officers, vacancies likely to arise in future due to retirement/ promotion etc. and phase wise recruitment to
be made through APPSC / DSC or through Contract.
b. In future Contract staff may be appointed only against positions which are temporary in nature and not against permanent positions. Those of the qualified Contract employees, who have been appointed on merit after following
transparent and competitive recruitment process, may be regularised in service against available vacancies in permanent posts.
c. Outsourcing should be only of services such as cleaning and maintenance, security/ watch and ward, bill collection, managing reception desks, supply of vehicles/drivers etc. These functions should be outsourced to Agencies on competitive tendering and in future no individual personnel should be hired on outsourcing basis.
d. Gaps in training should be identified, department wise, by a Committee constituted under the auspices of the Andhra Pradesh HRD Institute, Bapatla andbudgetary support provided for planning and conducting induction/ refresher
training programmes for different categories of employees.
e. General Administration (Services) Department may constitute a Committee to review, in a time bound manner, the Service Rules of all the departments in consultation with the respective Heads of Departments. While doing so adequate
attention should be given to the aspect of career planning.
f. Executive staff at the field level may be provided with mobile phones with CUG connectivity to quicken the process of decision making, problem solving and to monitor progress.
g. Increasing number of ‘Government to Citizen’ (G2C) services should be brought under the umbrella of ‘Mee Seva’.
19. Financial Implication:The financial implication of the Commission’s recommendations is estimated to be of
the order of about ₹.3,181 Crore.
Download VI volumes of Asutosh Mishra Report