AP PRC 2022 Go.1 Master Scale, Fitment, DA merged

AP PRC 2022 Master Scale, Fitment Salary Enhancements

AP PRC 2022 : AP Govt has constituted 11th pay commission regarding the enhancement of salaries of the AP Employees. The Pay commission has submitted the report to the AP Govt. as on 5th Oct 2022. After examining the PRC report and Report of Committee of Secretaries and taking the consideration of Joint Staff Council (JSC), the Fitment and Master Scale of PRC has been released in the Go.1 Dt: 17/01/202 which consist the comprehensive information like fitment, DA to merged, monetary benefit, Cash Benefit are  as follows.

AP PRC 2021 Go.1
AP PRC 2021 Go.1 Fixation, Master Pay Scale

Declared Fitment 23%

The State of Andhra Pradesh, granted a fitment of 23% of the basic pay for fixing the pay in the Revised Scales of Pay(RPS) 2022, as against a fitment of 14.29% recommended by the Committee of Secretaries. The IR 27%  will not be included in the pay fixation process.

DA 30.392% Merged

The Dearness Allowance (DA) of 30.392% as on 01-07-2018 merged in the pay as recommended by the 11th Pay Revision Commission.

Master Scales of Pay 2022

The master scale will play vital roll in fixing the new pay of the AP Govt employees. The Government of AP orders that the pay for the employees will be fixed in the following Revised Master Scales of Pay 2022. The revised master scale has 32 grades. The master Scale is as follows.

Rs.20000-600-21800-660-23780-720-25940–780-28280-850- 30830- 920-33590- 990- 36560-1080- 39800-1170- 43310-1260-47090-1350-51140-1460-55520-1580-60260- 1700-65360-1 830-70850-1960 -76730-2090-83000-2240- 89720-2390-96890- 2540-104510 -2700-112610- 2890-121280- 3100-130580-3320- 140540-3610-154980- 3900-170580-4210-179000.

Notional and Monitory Benefit

The Revised Scales of Pay will be implemented notionally from 01-07-2018 to 31-03-2020 with monetary benefit  from 01-04-2020 to 31-12-2021. The benefit of the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022 would be paid in cash from the salary of the month of January, 2022.

RPS-2022 Apply to Employees

The above mentioned fitment 23% and fixation is applicable to the employees of the State Government, Andhra Pradesh. Employees of Local Bodies & Aided Institutions including Aided Polytechnics, who are in receipt of pay in regular pay scale in the Scales of Pay of 2015 and The Work-charged establishment in receipt of pay in regular pay scale in the Scales of Pay, 2015.

Benefits of Automatic Advancement Scheme

The employees of State Govt of AP who are currently enjoying the benefits of Automatic Advancement Scheme, shall have their pay fixed in the corresponding revised scales of Automatic Advancement grades as per the scales of pay mentioned in Annexure-II and III.

Important points in  RPS-2022

  • Monetary benefit for any period prior to 01-04-2020 shall not be claimed who comes under PRC-2022.
  • The pay of an employee in the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022, shall be fixed with effect from July 01, 2018.
  •  23% of the Basic Pay will  be added to the existing emoluments .

Download AP PRC Related Go’s

Download complete AP Go.01 Dt:17/01/2022 Click Here

Download Certain instructions of DDO’s for preparing PRC2022 bills Click Here



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