Download APGLI Annual Slips, APGLI Bonds @
APGLI Slips, Bonds : APGLI, the Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance Fund Scheme, is a reliable savings option with benefits such as higher bonuses and sum assured compared to other insurance providers. Despite some issues, it is recommended to save with APGLI, aiming to provide protection for the families of deceased government employees and enhance resources at retirement. Visit the official website at for more details. Here we are proving information regarding how to download APGLI Annual Slips, APGLI Bonds, How to Increase APGLI Subscription, Download links to varies APGLI forms.

The APGLI Department, established in 1907 by the Nizam of Hyderabad, is one of the oldest departments in the state. Originally created for the welfare of employees, it became the “Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance Fund” after the formation of Andhra Pradesh in 1956. Over the years, the department underwent reorganizations, resulting in the establishment of 23 District Insurance Offices. Since the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh in 2014, APGLI operates with 13 district insurance offices in the residual state, with the Directorate of Insurance headquartered in Vijayawada since September 2016.
APGLI Useful Forms Download PDF
Here we are proving some important forms related to APGLI. Employees of AP can download the forms given here and make use of it.
APGLI Monthly Subscription Pay Slabs as per PRC-2015
Here we are providing APGLI monthly subscription details which are to be followed by AP employees and make deduction from their monthly salaries.
S.No | Pay Scale | Monthly Premium |
1 | Pay from 13,000 to 16,400 | Rs. 500/- |
2 | Pay from 16,401 to 21,230 | Rs. 650/- |
3 | Pay from 21,231 to 28,940 | Rs. 850/- |
4 | Pay from 28,941 to 35,120 | Rs. 1150/- |
5 | Pay from 35,121 to 49,870 | Rs. 1400/- |
6 | Pay from 49,871 and above | Rs. 2000/- |
APGLI Mandatory Savings Scheme
APGLI is a required life insurance plan for state government employees in Andhra Pradesh, along with other mandatory savings schemes like GPF/EPF and GIS. Employees drawing salaries from the 010 head of account are obligated to enroll in APGLI. The minimum subscription is approximately 4% of the basic pay, with slab rates introduced since 1994.
Know Your APGLI Policy Details
- Click on the official APGLI link Click Here
- Enter Your Policy number.
- Enter Your Date of Birth.
- Click the button “Find Details”.
- Download the PDF of your policy details
Know Your APGLI Policy Number Using APGLI Policy Number Search
- To search your APGLI policy first Click Here
- Enter part of your Name or full name. (ex: Sudhar for Sudhar Reddy).
- Enter part of Father’s Name.
- Enter the correct Date of Birth.
- Enter the captha number generated in the image.
- Click the button “Retrive Policy No.”
- Finally, download it and take printout.
Steps to APGLI Annual Account Slips
- Click on the official link provided here Click Here
- Enter Your APGLI Policy Number.
- Select the desired Financial Year.
- Enter captcha code generated.
- Click on View Report to Download the Annual Account Slips and take printout.
How to Download APGLI Bond
- First open the official webpage link provided here Click Here
- Enter Your existing APGLI Policy Number in the text field.
- Enter Your Bond Suffix (A, B, C, D etc)
- Enter the Captcha code in the text field provided.
- Click on Get Policy Bond to download the APGLI Bond.
- Take the printout and preserve it for future purpose.