APCFSS Payroll @ payroll.herb.apcfss.in AP RPS-2022 PRC New Pay Fixation

AP RPS-2022 PRC Fixation  @ payroll.herb.apcfss.in

AP PRC-2022: A new website has been launched for RPS-2022 Pay Fixation. DDO has to login to the website https://payroll.herb.apcfss.in  for  pay fixation of their respective employees. For first time login, DDO has to create password by using his/her CFMS ID. Before going to pay fixation as per RPS-2022 DDO has to follow Go.Ms.1 which is related to 11th PRC.   Inside the pages select DDO Code then all teacher’s details will be displayed under Basic Pay Changes Events. Enter Increments(Annual Increments/AAS/Promontions/Stepup) in an order of occurrence with dates. At the end DDO has to confirm the data enter in the Payroll Herb APCFSS website using biometric authentication. Here are the step by step process to the AP PRC-2022 Fixation using the official website @ payroll.herb.apcfss.in and using Present and Old Scales.

Enter website payroll.herb.apcfss.in

Step1 : First login to the website https://payroll.herb.apcfss.in . In the home page enter DDO CFMS ID( DDO is Authorized Person) and hit Continue button.

AP PRC Login Page First page
AP PRC Login Page First page

Step 2 : In the next page, enter password. If your first time longed in, create new password.

AP PRC APCFSS Login 2nd Page
AP PRC APCFSS Login 2nd Page


Step 3 : In this third page, you can find at the top of the page Basic Pay Changes Events. Click On it and Enter in new page.

AP PRC-2022 Inner Page APCFSS
AP PRC-2022 Inner Page APCFSS

Step:4 In this page select DDO code and Hit enter to display total employees under your DDO range.

APSFSS Payroll Employees Display Page
APSFSS Payroll Employees Display Page

Step 5:  List of employees will be displayed as shown below.

APCFSS AP PRC 2022 All employees List
APCFSS AP PRC 2022 All employees List

Step 6: Click on update to update pay particulars of  an employee under your DDO range.

Update Employee Using Update Icon
Update Employee Using Update Icon

Step 7 : Enter pay details in chronological order year by year as shown in the picture and enter next increment.

AP PRC2022 Enter Annual Increments, AAS

AP PRC2022 Enter Annual Increments, AASStep 8 : After entering the increments the page will be like thisUpdate Pay Details AP PRC2022

Update Pay Details AP PRC2022Step 9 : After submitting all details, DDO has to authenticate using the biometric after due verification process using Basic Pay Changes User Confirmation link .

AP PRC 2022 Biometric Authentication
AP PRC 2022 Biometric Authentication

DDO has to follow above steps in order to pay fixation of their employees and submit to the STO concerned.

Read Also PRC Related

  • AP PRC2021, Go.1 Master Scale, Pay Scales, Fitment Details Click Here
  • Procedural Instructions to PRC Pay Fixation Click Here
  • Download AP PRC 2022 Go.1 Dt.17/01/2022 Click Here
  • AP PRC2022 Go.1 New DA Calculation@0.91%, HRA Slabs 8%, 16%, 24% Click Here

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