AP RPS-2022,11th PRC Revised Master Scales | New PRC-2022 Vs PRC-2015

Go.1 AP RPS-2022 11th PRC Master Scale New PRC-2022 Vs PRC-2015

As stated in Go.1 AP PRC-2022 Andhra Pradesh Government hereby orders that the pay for the employees shall be fixed in the following Revised Master Scales of Pay 2022. In the master pay scale the minimum pay is Rs.20000/- and maximum pay is Rs.179000. The new revised  master scale is implemented from 01/07/2018 and the fitment is 23%.  The DA of 30.392% is merged in new pay from July-2018.   All AP Govt. employees pay scales of  32 grades, 83 stages as per PRC-2022 are given below.

New PRC-2022 With 32 Grades in Master Scale

The Revised Master Scale in 11th PRC  has 32 grades with 83 stages, as they are segments of the revised Master Scale PRC-2022. The Revised Scales of Pay(RPS) is given below, which is in Go.1 Dt:17/01/2022. In addition to the Master Scale, we have provided here comparison scale of pay table to PRC-2015 and PRC-2022 in all 32 grades.

AP PRC-2022 Master Scale
AP PRC-2022 Master Scale

AP PRC-2022 Master Scale

Rs.20000-600- 21800-660-23780- 720-25940- 780- 28280-850- 30830-920- 33590-990- 36560-1080-39800- 1170-43310- 1260- 47090-1350-51140- 1460- 55520-1580- 60260- 1700-65360-1830- 70850-1960- 76730-2090- 83000- 2240- 89720- 2390- 96890- 2540- 104510-2700- 112610- 2890-121280-3100- 130580-3320-140540 -3610-154980- 3900- 170580- 4210- 179000.

As per the 11th PRC report, Master Scale comprises 32 grades with 83 stages. The minimum pay is increased and fixed at Rs.20,000/- and maximum pay as exist in master scale is 179000.

PRC-2022 Master Scale new PRC-2022 Vs Old PRC-2015

Grade RPS 2015  PAY SCALE – 2015
Grade  Revised Pay Scale 2021 (AP 11th PRC)
PRC-2015 AP PRC 2015 Master Scale:
13000- 390- 14170- 430- 15460- 470- 16870- 510- 18400- 550- 20050- 590- 21820- 640- 23740- 700- 25840- 760- 28120- 820- 30580- 880- 33220- 950- 36070- 1030- 39160- 1110- 42490- 1190- 46060- 1270- 49870- 1360- 53950- 1460- 58330- 1560- 63010- 1660- 67990- 1760- 73270- 1880- 78910- 2020- 84970- 2160- 91450- 2330- 100770- 2520- 110850(81)
PRC-2022 AP PRC 2021 New Master Scale:
20000- 600- 21800- 660- 23780- 720- 25940- 780-
28280- 850- 30830- 920-33590- 990- 36560- 1080- 39800- 1170-
43310- 1260- 47090- 1350- 51140- 1460- 55520-
1 580- 60260- 1700- 65360- 1830- 70850- 1960
– 76730- 2090- 83000- 2240- 89720- 2390-
96890- 2540- 104510- 2700- 112610- 2890-
121280- 3100- 130580- 3320- 140540- 3610- 154980-
3900- 170580- 4210- 179000 (83 stages)
G-I 13000- 390- 14170- 430- 15460- 470- 16870- 510- 18400- 550- 20050- 590- 21820- 640-
23740- 700- 25840- 760- 28120- 820- 30580- 880- 33220- 950- 36070- 1030- 39160- 1110- 40270 (40)
G-I 20000-600-21800-660-23780-720-25940 -780-28280-850-30830-920-33590-990-36560-1080-39800-
1700 -61960 (41)
G-II 13390- 390- 14170- 430- 15460- 470- 16870- 510- 18400- 550- 20050- 590- 21820- 640-
23740- 700- 25840- 760- 28120- 820- 30580- 880- 33220- 950- 36070- 1030- 39160- 1110- 41380 (40)
G-II 20600-600-21800-660- 23780-720- 25940-780- 28280-850- 30830-920-33590-990-36560-1080-39800-
1170-43310-1260-47090- 1350-51140- 1460-55520-1580-60260-1700-63660 (41)
G-III 13780- 390- 14170- 430- 15460- 470- 16870- 510- 18400- 550- 20050- 590- 21820- 640-
23740- 700- 25840- 760- 28120- 820- 30580- 880- 33220- 950- 36070- 1030- 39160- 1110- 42490 (40)
G-III 21200-600-21800-660-23780-720- 25940-780-28 280-850- 30830-920-33590-990- 36560-1080 -39800
-1170-43310-1260-47090- 1350-51140-1460- 55520-1580-60260-1700-65360 (41)
G-IV 14600- 430- 15460- 470- 16870- 510- 18400- 550- 20050- 590- 21820- 640- 23740- 700- 25840
– 760- 28120- 820- 30580- 880- 33220- 950- 36070- 1030- 39160- 1110- 42490- 1190- 44870 (40)
G-IV 22460-660-23780-720-25940-780- 28 280- 850- 30830- 920-33590
-990- 36560- 1080- 39800- 1170- 43310 -1260- 47090-1350- 51140-1460- 55520-1580- 60260-1700- 65360-1830- 70850-1960- 72810 (43)
G-V 15030- 430- 15460- 470- 16870- 510- 18400- 550- 20050- 590- 21820- 640- 23740- 700- 25840- 760- 28120 – 820- 30580- 880- 33220- 950- 36070- 1030- 39160- 1110- 42490- 1190- 46060 (40) G-V 23120-660-23780-720-25940-780- 28280- 850-30830- 920-33590 -990
– 36560- 1080-39800- 11 70-433 10- 1 260- 47090-13 50- 511 40-1460-
55520-1580- 60260-1700-65360- 1830-70850-1960- 74770 (43)
G-VI 15460- 470- 16870- 510- 18400- 550- 20050- 590- 21820- 640- 23740- 700- 25840- 760- 28120- 820- 30580- 880
– 33220- 950- 36070- 1030- 39160- 1110- 42490- 1190- 46060- 1270- 47330 (40)
G-VI 23780-720-25940-780-28280-850-30830-920-33590-990-36560
-1080-39800-1170-43310-1260-47090- 1350-51140-1460
-55520-1580-60260-1700-65360-1830-70850-1960-76730 (43)
G-VII 16400- 470- 16870- 510- 18400- 550- 20050- 590- 21820- 640- 23740- 700- 25840- 760- 28120- 820- 30580
– 880- 33220- 950- 36070- 1030- 39160- 1110- 42490- 1190- 46060- 1270- 49870- (40)
G-VII 25220 -720-25940-780-28 280-850 -30830-920-33590-990
-36560-1080-39800-1170-43310-1260-47090- 1350-51140
-1 460-55520-1580-60260-1700-65360-1830-70850-1960-76730-2090-80910 (43)
G-VIII 17890- 510- 18400- 550- 20050- 590- 21820- 640- 23740- 700- 25840- 760- 28120- 820- 30580- 880- 33220
– 950- 36070- 1030- 39160- 1110- 42490- 1190- 46060- 1270- 49870- 1360- 53950 (40)
G-VIII 27500-780-28280-850-30830-920-33590-990-36560-1080
-39800-1170-43310-1260-4 7090-1350-51140-1460- 55520 -1580-60260-
1700-65360 -1830-70850-1960- 76730-2090
-83000-2240-87480 (43)
G-IX 18400- 550- 20050- 590- 21820- 640- 23740- 700- 25840- 760- 28120- 820- 30580- 880- 33220- 950- 36070
– 1030- 39160- 1110- 42490- 1190- 46060- 1270- 49870- 1360- 53950- 1460- 55410 (40)
G-IX 28280-850-30830-920-33590-990- 36560-1080- 39800
-11 70- 43310-1260- 47090-1350- 51140-1460- 55520-1580
– 60260-1700- 65360-1830 – 70850-1960- 76730-2090- 83000-2240- 89720 (43)
G-X 19500- 550- 20050- 590- 21820- 640- 23740- 700- 25840- 760- 28120- 820- 30580- 880- 33220- 950- 36070
– 1030- 39160- 1110- 42490- 1190- 46060- 1270- 49870- 1360- 53950- 1460- 58330 (40)
G-X 29980-850-30830-920-33590 -990-36560 -1080-39800-1170-43310-1260-47090-1350-51140-1460-55520 -1580
– 60260-1700-65360-1830-70850-1960-76730-2090-83000-2240-89720-2390 -94500 (43)
G-XI 21230- 590- 21820- 640- 23740- 700- 25840- 760- 28120- 820- 30580- 880- 33220- 950- 36070- 1030
– 39160- 1110- 42490- 1190- 46060- 1270- 49870- 1360- 53950- 1460- 58330- 1560- 63010- (40)
G-XI 32670-920-33590-990-36560 -1080-3980 0-1170-43310-1 260-47090 -1350-511 40-1460-55520-1580
-60 260-1700- 65360-1830- 70850-1960- 76730-2090-83000-2240-89720-2390-96890-2540-101970 (43)
G-XII 22460- 640- 23740- 700- 25840- 760- 28120- 820- 30580- 880- 33220- 950- 36070- 1030- 39160
– 1110- 42490- 1190- 46060- 1270- 49870- 1360- 53950- 1460- 58330- 1560- 63010- 1660- 66330 (40)
G-XII 34580-990-36560-1080-39800-1170-43310-1260-4 7090-1350-51140-1460-55520-1580-60260-1700
-65360-1830- 70850-1960- 76730-2090-83000 -2240-897 20-2390-96890 -2540-104510 -2700-107210 (43)
G-XIII 23100- 640- 23740- 700- 25840- 760- 28120- 820- 30580- 880- 33220- 950- 36070- 1030- 39160- 1110
– 42490- 1190- 46060- 1270- 49870- 1360- 53950- 1460- 58330- 1560- 63010- 1660- 67990 (40)
G-XIII 3557 0-990-36560-1080-39800- 1170-43310-1260-47090-1350-51140-1460-55520-1580-60260-1700
-65360-1830-897 20-2390-96890-2540-104510 – 70850-1960- 76730-2090-83000-2240 -2700-109910 (43)
G-XIV 24440- 700- 25840- 760- 28120- 820- 30580- 880- 33220- 950- 36070- 1030- 39160- 1110
– 42490- 1190- 46060- 1270- 49870- 1360- 53950- 1460- 58330- 1560- 63010- 1660 – 67990- 1760- 71510 (40)
G-XIV 37640-1080-39800-1170-43310-1260-47090-13 50-511 40-
1460-55520-1580-60260 -1700-65360-1830
-70850-1960- 76730-2090-83000-2240-89720-2390-96890 -2540-104510-2700-112610-2890-115500 (43)
G-XV 25140- 700- 25840- 760- 28120- 820- 30580- 880- 33220- 950- 36070- 1030- 39160- 1110- 42490
– 1190- 46060- 1270- 49870- 1360- 53950- 1460- 58330- 1560- 63010- 1660- 67990- 1760- 73270 (40)
G-XV 38720-1080-39800-1170-43310-1260-47090-1350-51140-1460-55520-1580 -60260-1700-65360-1830-70850
-1960- 76730-2090-83000-2240-89720-2390-96890-2540 -104510-2700-112610 -2890-118390 (43)
G-XVI 26600- 760- 28120- 820- 30580- 880- 33220- 950- 36070- 1030- 39160- 1110- 42490- 1190
– 46060- 1270- 49870- 1360- 53950- 1460- 58330- 1560- 63010- 1660- 67990- 1760- 73270- 1880- 77030 (40)
G-XVI 40970-1170-43310-1260-47090-1350-51140-1460-55520-1580
-60260-1700-65360-1830- 70850
-1960- 76730-2090 – 83000-2240-897 20-2390-96890 -2540-10 4510-2700-112610-2890-121280-3100-124380 (43)
G-XVII 28940- 820- 30580- 880- 33220- 950- 36070- 1030- 39160- 1110- 42490- 1190- 46060- 1270- 49870
– 1360- 53950- 1460- 58330- 1560- 63010- 1660- 67990- 1760- 73270- 1880- 78910 (38)
G-XVII 44570-1260-47090-1350-51140-1460-55520-1580-60260-1700
-2240 – 89720- 2390 – 96890-2540-104510-2700-112610-2890-121280- 3100- 127480 (41)
G-XVIII 29760- 820- 30580- 880- 33220- 950- 36070- 1030- 39160- 1110- 42490- 1190- 46060- 1270- 49870
– 1360- 53950- 1460- 58330- 1560- 63010- 1660- 67990- 1760- 73270- 1880- 78910- 2020- 80930 (38)
G -XVIII 45830-1260-47090-1350-51140-1460-55520-1580 -60260-1700-65360-1830-70850-1960- 76730-2090
-83000-2240- 89720-2390-96890-2540-104510-2700-11 2610-2890-1 21280-3100 -130580 (41)
G-XIX 31460- 880- 33220- 950- 36070- 1030- 39160- 1110- 42490- 1190- 46060- 1270- 49870- 1360- 53950
– 1460- 58330- 1560- 63010- 1660- 67990- 1760- 73270- 1880- 78910- 2020- 84970 (38)
G-XIX 48440-1350-51140-1460-55520-1580-60260-1700-65360
-1830 -70850-1960-76730 -2090-83000 -2240
-89 720-2390- 96890-2540-104510-2700-11 2610-2890
-1 21280-31 00-130580-3320-137220 (41)
G-XX 35120- 950- 36070- 1030- 39160- 1110- 42490- 1190- 46060- 1270- 49870- 1360- 53950- 1460
– 58330- 1560- 63010- 1660- 67990- 1760- 73270- 1880- 78910- 2020- 84970–2160– 87130 (35)
G-XX 54060-1460-55520-1580-60260-1700- 65360-1830
–  70850-1960-  76730-2090- 83000-2240- 89720
-2390- 96890-2540- 104510-2700- 112610-2890
– 121280- 3100-130580- 3320-140540(38)
G-XXI 37100- 1030- 39160- 1110- 42490- 1190- 46060- 1270- 49870- 1360- 53950- 1460- 58330
– 1560- 63010- 1660- 67990- 1760- 73270- 1880- 78910- 2020- 84970- 2160- 91450 (35)
G-XXI 57100-1580-60260-1700-65360-1830- 70850-1960-76730-2090-83000
-2240- 89720-2390-96890-2540-104510- 2700-112610-2890-121280-3100-
G-XXII 40270- 1110- 42490- 1190- 46060- 1270- 49870- 1360- 53950- 1460- 58330- 1560- 63010
– 1660- 67990- 1760- 73270- 1880- 78910- 2020- 84970- 2160- 91450- 2330- 93780 (33)
G-XXII 61960-1700-65360-1830-70850-1960- 76730-2090-83000-2240-89720-2390-
96890-2540-104510-2700-112610- 2890-121280-3100-130580-3320-
140540-3610-151370 (36)
G-XXIII 42490- 1190- 46060- 1270- 49870- 1360- 53950- 1460- 58330- 1560
– 63010- 1660- 67990- 1760- 73270- 1880- 78910- 2020- 84970- 2160- 91450- 2330- 96110 (32)
G-XXIII 61960-1700-65360- 1830- 70850-1960-76730- 2090-83000-
2240-89720-2390- 96890 – 2540-104510- 2700-112610-
2890-121280-3100- 130580-3320- 140540- 3610-151370 (36)
G-XXIV 46060- 1270- 49870- 1360- 53950- 1460- 58330- 1560- 63010- 1660
– 67990- 1760- 73270- 1880- 78910- 2020- 84970- 2160- 91450- 2330- 98440 (30)
G-XXIV 70850-1960-76730- 2090-83000-2240-89720-2390- 96890-2540-104510
– 2700- 11 2610 -2890-1 21280-3100- 130580-3320- 140540-3610-154980-
3900- 158880 (33)
G-XXV 49870- 1360- 53950- 1460- 58330- 1560- 63010- 1660- 67990- 1760
– 73270- 1880- 78910- 2020- 84970- 2160- 91450- 2330- 100770 (28)
G-XXV 76730-2090-83000- 2240-89720-2390-96890- 2540- 104510- 2700-112610
– 2890-121280-3100- 130580-3320- 140540- 3610-154980-3900-162780
G-XXVI 52590- 1360- 53950- 1460- 58330- 1560- 63010- 1660- 67990- 1760
– 73270- 1880- 78910- 2020- 84970- 2160- 91450- 2330- 100770- 2520- 103290 (27)
G-XXVI 80910-2090- 83000-2240- 89720-2390- 96890-2540- 104510-2700
– 112610-2890-121280- 3100-130580-3320- 140540-3610- 154980- 3900-166680
G-XXVII 56870- 1460- 58330- 1560- 63010- 1660- 67990- 1760- 73270- 1880
– 78910- 2020- 84970- 2160–91450- 2330- 100770- 2520- 105810 (25)
G-XXVII 87480-2240- 89720-2390- 96890-2540-104510-2700- 112610-2890
– 121280- 3100-130580- 3320-140540- 3610- 154980- 3900-170580 (28)
G-XXVIII 61450- 1560- 63010- 1660- 67990- 1760- 73270- 1880
– 78910- 2020- 84970- 2160- 91450- 2330- 100770- 2520- 105810 (22)
G-XXVIII 94500-2390- 96890- 2540-104510- 2700-112610- 2890
-121280- 3100- 130580-3320- 140540-3610- 154980- 3900- 170580 (25)
G-XXIX 66330- 1660- 67990- 1760- 73270- 1880- 78910- 2020
– 84970- 2160- 91450- 2330- 100770- 2520–108330 (20)
G-XXIX 101970-2540-104510-2700-112610- 2890-121280-3100-130580
-3320- 140540-3610-154980-3900-170580-4210-174790 (23)
G-XXX 73270- 1880- 78910- 2020- 84970- 2160- 91450
– 2330- 100770- 2520- 108330 (16)
G-XXX 112610-2890-121280-3100-130580- 332 0-140540-3610
-154980-3900 – 170580-4210-174790 (19)
G-XXXI 80930- 2020- 84970- 2160- 91450- 2330- 100770
– 2520- 110850 (13)
G-XXXI 124380-3100 – 130580- 3320-140540- 3610
– 154980- 3900- 170580-4210- 179000 (16)
G-XXXII 87130- 2160- 91450- 2330- 100770- 2520- 110850 (10) G-XXXII 133900 -3320-140540-361 0-154980- 3900-170580-4210-179000 (13)

Read also PRC-2022 Related

  • Download Procedural instructions for Pay confirmation in RPS, 2022 Click Here
  • AP PRC2021, Go.1 Master Scale, Pay Scales, Fitment Details Click Here
  • Procedural Instructions to PRC Pay Fixation Click Here
  • Download AP PRC 2022 Go.1 Dt.17/01/2022 Click Here
  • AP PRC2022 Go.1 New DA Calculation@0.91%, HRA Slabs 8%, 16%, 24% Click Here

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