Go Ms No.11 Dt:15/06/2015 Rationalization Norms of Teacher Posts and Staff in various managements Mandal Parishad, Zilla Parishad, Government Schools has been issued by the TS School Education Department as per the Norms laid in RTE Act. For rationalization of Teachers committee has been formed. The complete Rationalization TS GO.11 as follows.
![GO.11 Norms for Rationalisation of Teacher Posts and Staff in All Schools, GO 11 Norms for Rationalisation in TS Schools, Right to Education Act](../images/go11transfers.jpg)
- Telangana Government in the G.O. Ms. No.6, Education (SE-Ser. II) Department, dated 27.09.2014 Orders to take up the exercise of Rationalization of staff in the schools in the year 2014, strictly in accordance with the norms and standards given in the Schedule of the Right to Education Act, in order to implement the provisions of the Act.
- The Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad, in his letter From the Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad, Letter Rc. No.138/Ser.III/Spl/2014, dated 12.6.2015 has submitted proposals in view of the large number of vacancies in the schools and to provide minimum number of staff and explaining the need to take up rationalization of posts based on UDISE-2014-15, for providing qualitative education to the children.
- After careful examination of the proposals of the Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad and in supersession of the norms and guidelines issued in the reference 1st read above, Government hereby issue the norms and guidelines in the Annexures I to VII appended to this Order to take up rationalisation of the staff based on UDISE data, 2014-2015.
- The Government also hereby constitutes Committee at the District level as follows:-
The Committee shall consist of the following Members
- District Collector … Chairman
- Joint Collector/Addl.Joint Collector … Member
- Chief Executive Officer, Zilla Parishad … Member
- P.O., I.T.D.A. … Member
- Project Officer, RVM (SSA) … Member
- District Educational Officer … Member Secretary
- The Committee is competent to rationalize the teaching staff and posts in schools as detailed in the Annexures I to VII under various managements i.e., Government, Zilla Parishad, Mandal Parishad Schools in the District, based on the enrolment in the schools as per UDISE 2014-15. Surplus teachers identified shall be posted in the vacancies notified through transfer counseling.
- An appeal against the Orders of rationalisation of teacher posts by District Educational Officer shall lie with the Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad. The appeal should be made within 10 days from the date of the Orders of the District Educational Officer.
- The schedule for undertaking this exercise of rationalization of teaching staff and posts in schools and also amalgamation of schools within the same premises, as per the Annexures I - VII appended to this Order shall be given by the Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad.
- It is further clarified that on account of this rationalization there shall be no creation of any new post or reduction in the sanctioned posts.
- The Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad shall take further necessary action, accordingly.
- This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department, vide their U.O. No.7172-B/229/A1/HRM-I/2015, dated 06.6.2015.
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