GO.MS.No. 37, Dt:15/03/2018 Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS), Modalities for User Acceptance Testing and Parallel Testing
the Government has decided to establish a Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS), which would provide seamless and dynamic interface with all stakeholders and facilitate effective financial management
APCFSS is entrusted to undertake co-ordination with SAP, the Systems Integrator for CFMS, and with other 3rd party vendors and various government departments who are the stakeholders.
Integration testing of most of the functionalities is almost complete and thereby, he proposed to undertake User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and Parallel Testing to test and ensure that the application is fit for implementation.
A team of implementation resources from APCFSS and SAP, is constituted to support the activities related to this testing. The team is divided between onsite at Testing location and central support at APCFSS, Ibrahimpatnam;
User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and Parallel Testing Proposed Orders
- The proposed onsite team will coordinate with the respective locations and visit the location on the assigned date to assist the local team in carrying out the testing activities;
- On the assigned day of testing, the local office team along with the DDOs within the offices jurisdiction will carry out the testing. Testing will be performed in two sets – Set 1 relates to all transactions at the concerned Treasury/PAO for a selected prior date and Set 2 relates to the live transactions on the appointed day of testing;
- For Set 1 transactions, the DDO maker/checker/approvers will input the transactions in CFMS and Treasury/PAO will carry out the audit of these transactions in CFMS. The end results/outputs will be compared to ensure same results from the current legacy system and CFMS in terms of accounting;
- For Set 2 transactions, the DDO maker/checker/approvers will input the transactions in legacy and CFMS simultaneously and the end results/outcomes will be compared for ensuring they are same;
- The payment process will be simulated to e-Kuber system and the accounts generation thereon also test checked in CFMS application;
- Parallel accounts for these sets of transactions will also be generated in the legacy systems and the results compared and differences will be reconciled and explained;
- In order to cover all types of claims, similar check will be carried out by taking some representative bills out of the pending or already audited claims in the office as a part of UAT; and
- The implementation team in coordination with the local office will submit a summary report within 24 hours of completion of testing.
Read More Go.37 Dt:15/03/2018 CFMS Modalities
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