AP GO.20 regarding the Implementation Exam Reforms CCE Pattern from VI to X Classes. According to AP GO.20 Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation pattern of examination system for Classes VI to IX from the academic year 2015-16 and for Class X from the academic year 2016-17 will be implemented. The complete GO.20 Dt:28/03/2016.

Key Points in GO.26 Dt:28/03/2016
- AP Govt has been decided for implementation of examination reforms i.e. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation pattern of examination system for Classes VI to IX from the academic year 2015-16 and for Class X from the academic year 2016-17 as per the G.O.Ms.No. 82, School Edn (Prog.II) Dept, dated: 29.10.2015
- It is decided at the highest level to conduct common examinations to the students of classes VI to X in all schools.
- The committee which was constituted has recommended for conducting of the Common Summative Examinations from classes I to X under all management schools.
- Carry forwarding of weightage of 5% marks from class VIII and 5% marks from class IX to class X for the class X batch of 2017-18.
A. The System Applicability:
- Existing examination system in respect of classes I to V will be continued.
- All recognized schools of A.P irrespective of managements should follow the Common Academic Calendar..
- Common Examination / Assessment System will be introduced and implemented for Classes VI to X for all Schools functioning under different Managements..
- common question paper will be set by best faculty for SA-1, SA-2 and SA-3.
Conduct of Common Summative Examination and Assessment:
- Common Examinations for SA 1, SA 2, SA 3 for Classes VI to X (excluding Summative 3 for X class)
- Procedure to be followed Common Paper is to be issued by SCERT to District Common Examination Board (DCEB).
- An Observer will be appointed by the DEO for each High School in the cadre of School Assistant within the radius of 8 KMs.
- Conduct of Examination at respective schools as per the schedule communicated by the SCERT.
- Evaluation of answer scripts of the SA 1, SA 2 & SA 3 of Classes VI to IX and of SA 1 & SA 2 of Class X shall be made in the neighbouring Mandal duly following the jumbling procedure.
- 10% validation of answer scripts evaluated through external evaluators will be ensured by the DEO.
- The evaluation results will be uploaded from the Mandal Level on www.cse.ap.gov.in under the supervision of Gazetted Officer i.e, MEO/Dy.IOS/Gaz. Head Master .
Common Examination Schedule for Summative Exams :
- The 3rd Summative shall be conducted for Classes VI to IX in all recognised schools, under all managements of Government for the academic year 2015-16 at school level only.
- The three Common Summative Examinations shall be conducted for Classes VI to IX, in all Schools, of all Managements duly following the jumbling procedure, from the academic year 2016-17 as per the Academic Calendar issued by SCERT.
- For Class X, Common Summative 1 and Summative 2 will be conducted for all recognized schools, under all managements from the academic year 2016-17. Summative Examination 3 for class X will be Public Examination.
F.Cost of Printing and Supply of Question Paper :
Cost of printing and supply of Question Paper for classes VI to X shall be met by the respective Managements of the Schools i.e., for all Govt./ZP/MPP/MPL/Aided Schools/ Model Schools / KGBVs i.e. from SSA funds.
E. Report Cards /Online display:
- The report cards /booklet shall be prepared and given to the students / parents duly singed by the Headmaster/teacher.
- The Student wise/ School wise/ Mandal Level / District level performance shall be hosted in the dashboard.
F. Constitution of Committees:
The Commissioner of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad shall constitute District Level Committees and Mandal Level Committees duly specifying the role and responsibilities of committees, such as, setting, printing & supply of question paper, cost of question paper per child, placing the orders to print, communication of schedule of examinations for smooth conduct of examinations, uploading of marks in the designated website, evaluation of performance of students, conduct review meetings, for improvement of performance of students, evaluation of answer sheets etc.
G. Syllabus and Indent for text books:
- Follow Sub Rule 3 of Rule 10 of G.O. Ms. No.1, Education (PS.2) Dept., dated 01.01.1994 in respect of the syllabus and Text Books prescribed by Government of Andhra Pradesh for all Classes VI to X, irrespective of managements.
- Private School managements shall be instructed to submit their indents for textbooks for classes VI-X to the respective DEOs.
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- Download GO.20 Implementation Exam Reforms CCE Pattern from VI to X Classes Click Here
- AP GO.20 Common Examinations to the students from Classes VI to X Click Here