AP Rajiv Vidya Mission (SSA), A. P. Hyderabad has been issued Guidelines on the Utilization of Grants 2016 – 17, The Head Masters of High School, UP School, Primary School has to follow scrupulously follow the guidelines to utilize the School Grants 2016-17. The School Grant @ Rs. 5,000/- for PS, @ Rs. 12,000/- for UPS and @ Rs. 7000/- for UP Sections of HS for the academic year 2016-17. The complete utilization guidelines is as follows.

Guidelines are issued for utilization of various grants being released under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan during 2016-17.
1. School Grant (@ Rs. 5,000/- for PS, @ Rs. 12,000/- for UPS and @ Rs. 7000/- for UP Sections of HS )
- During the current year Upper Primary Schools having I to VII Classes were considered as two schools i.e. Primary School (I to V) and Upper Primary School (VI to VII) for sanction of School Grant. Hence, an amount of Rs. 12000/- (Rs. 5000/- for PS + Rs. 7000/- for UPS) was sanctioned. Therefore, an amount of Rs. 12000/- has to be released to Upper Primary Schools (I to VII Classes) towards School Grant.
- Priority shall be given to utilize School grant to take up internal wiring for Electrification as per the norms communicated.
- The 50% of School Grant which was allocated for purchase of Library Books during 2009-10 plus balance amount if any available under this item shall be utilized first for internal wiring. The additional requirement of funds after exhausting the balances may be met from the School Grants released during this year.
- Savings if any after doing internal wiring the amount may be utilized for the following item:
- Purchase of Library Books from 50% of Grant released during this year.
- The Schools which already have power supply may utilize School Grant for the following items.
- Payment of arrears of electricity bills.
- Payment of monthly electricity bills.
- Procurement of 12 Trays for preserving the SLIM cards class-wise and subject-wise.
- Stationary, Xeroxing, Procurement of Radio and minor repairs of radio, TV, Procurement of library books, children literature etc.
2. Maintenance Grant (@ Rs. 5000/- to 10,000/-)
- The maintenance grant shall be released @ Rs. 5000/- to the schools having upto 3 classrooms and @ Rs. 10000/- to the schools having more than 3 classrooms as per the budget approved in AWP&B 2010-11. But it should not exceed Rs. 7500/- per school on an average. The grant shall be utilized on the following items as per the priority shown below:
- Utilizing the grant towards the cost of electricity connection and meter charges
- During the review meetings held by the Principal Secretary with some of the District Collectors, a decision was taken to utilize the maintenance grant towards maintenance of toilets. Hence, an amount not exceeding Rs. 400/- per month may be spent towards maintenance of toilets. However the charges may be decided by calling tenders based on the no. of toilets duly taking the approval of the District Collector.
- Minor repairs to floor, roof, compound wall, gate, furniture etc.
- Procurement of material for preparation of TLM in the School Complex Meetings – Rs. 2,000/- per annum
- Procurement of Charts and other TLM material – Rs. 1,000/- per annum.
Download Related Proceedings
- Download AP School Grant @ Rs. 5,000/- for PS, @ Rs. 12,000/- for UPS and @ Rs. 7000/- for UP Sections of HS Click Here
- Download MRC Grants Utilization Guidelines Click Here